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Decision Making Technical Means: steel End: movement An end is chosen, let’s say to make movement and transportation easier. We decide to make automobiles.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision Making Technical Means: steel End: movement An end is chosen, let’s say to make movement and transportation easier. We decide to make automobiles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision Making Technical Means: steel End: movement An end is chosen, let’s say to make movement and transportation easier. We decide to make automobiles. With that end in mind, a decision is made to use steel to make the automobile. The technical means for making, and shipping the steel are decided.

2 Decision Making Technical Means: steel End: movement End: speed but it uses a natural resource (steel), and contributes to our valuing lighter and faster cars. A new end, speed, a perverse end, arises. The means fulfill our original need

3 Decision Making End: movement End: speed With this new end (speed) in mind, new decisions are made to enhance the speed of the car. Decision Making Technical Means: steel Technical Means Now, the means for creating these faster cars are decided.

4 Decision Making End: movement End: speed Decision Making Technical Means: steel Technical Means Means (steel) have now justified means (faster cars). Means and valuable ends are severed. Valuable ends are lost.

5 Decision Making End: movement End: speed Decision Making Technical Means: steel Technical Means End: production facility The means for building faster cars fulfills (1) the value of speed; and (2) it contributes to the need for the production of big and fast cars. Means (steel) have now justified means (faster cars). Means and valuable ends are severed.

6 Decision Making Ends End: speed Decision Making Technical Means: steel Technical Means End: production facility Decision Making Yet another round of decision making begins to fulfill the need for production. Technical Means One of the means for production of fast cars are people.

7 Decision Making Ends End: speed Decision Making Technical Means: steel Technical Means End: production facility Decision Making Technical Means People are now the perverse means to facilitate machines.


9 Decision Making Ends End: speed Decision Making Technical Means End: production facility Decision Making Technical Means Perverse means proliferate. Means and ends are severed. Perverse ends are pursued. TO SUMMARIZE: Valuable ends are lost

10 Decision Making Ends End: speed Decision Making Technical Means Technical Means End: production facility Decision Making Technical Means the solution Valuable Ends add valuable ends supplement technical means

11 Decision Making Ends End: speed Decision Making Valuable Means Valuable Means End: production facility Decision Making Valuable Means Valuable Ends the solution add valuable ends supplement technical means with valuable means

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