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Unit 1.6 – Linear Programming Ummmmm…yeah…I’m going to need you to go ahead and get out your notes…thanks..

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1.6 – Linear Programming Ummmmm…yeah…I’m going to need you to go ahead and get out your notes…thanks.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1.6 – Linear Programming Ummmmm…yeah…I’m going to need you to go ahead and get out your notes…thanks..

2 Unit 1 – Algebra: Linear Systems, Matrices, & Vertex- Edge Graphs  1.6 – Linear Programming  Georgia Performance Standard:  MM3A6b – Represent and solve realistic problems using linear programming.

3 What’s the deal with linear programming? And when am I ever going to use this in real life?  Business  Piñatas  Doughnuts  Bikes  Sunglasses  Fast Cars  Music  If you like any of these (or anything in the entire world) you might use linear programming.  Linear Programming lets us buy things we like and make the most of our money

4 Parts of Linear Programming  Objective Function  What we are trying to minimize or maximize  Ex. : C = 20x + 30y  Constraints  These are linear inequalities  At least 3  Should intersect to form a shape called a feasible region  Shade in!

5 Steps to Solve… 1. Figure out what you’re minimizing or maximizing  This is your objective function 2. List all your constraints 3. Get the constraints into slope-intercept form  Graph these  Shade in the region 4. Label the vertices  These are the corners of the shapes 5. Plug in the vertices to our objective function to find the best answer

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