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By: Garrett Spiders My feature spider is the banana spider.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Garrett Spiders My feature spider is the banana spider."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Garrett Spiders My feature spider is the banana spider.

2 BANANAS I chose the banana spider because I like bananas. His color is bright yellowish with black and red. He looks poisonous but he isn't. He should be like,"hey, look I'm poisonous, not really." His cephalothorax is like a little Easter egg. His abdomen is the shape of a stretched out olive. It's like a football but thinner. His legs are like fishing hooks. They look kind of creepy. His legs are thin, like 1 centimeter thin. He has eight eyes. They are like in checker board form. His size is 5 inches. He could be the size of 2 index fingers!

3 SOME WHERE The Banana spider live in south eastern states. And lives in woods. They live in Australia, South Africa, Chile, South America and New Zealand.

4 THE WEB They are orb weavers. I don't know what orb weavers are. I just found it on the paper. I think it is a web builder. He doesn't use camouflage because he doesn't need it. My spider eats flying insects, flies, bees, wasp, moths and butterflies. Man he needs to go on a diet. Birds, lizards and toads eat spiders.

5 LIFE The life cycle of the banana spider. First it starts like an egg in an egg sac. Then they hatch "at first it looks like a million but there’s only about 500". Then fly away with their drag lines. It is called ballooning. Then they grow up and molt." Then it starts all over again".

6 What is a Spider? A spider is a thing that keeps our animals that we eat from starving. It is a part of our food cycle. Spiders keep the bugs from destroying the world. Some are good. Some are bad. That's just the way of life.

7 Parts of a spider 2 body parts 8 eyes cephalothorax abdomen pedipalps one of 8 legs spinnerets

8 good things about spiders bad things about spiders They suck humans blood as well. Some might hurt you. They eat grasshoppers. They don’t let insects rule the world.

9 Spiders make webs to trap bugs so they can eat. And they need to crawl some where. But…I also learned that spiders use their silk to fly away like a balloon.

10 These are three facts I learned about spiders: 1Some make webs. 2.They use their web to fly away. It is called ballooning. 3.Some can jump 10 times his own body length.

11 Spiders are awesome.

12 Glossary Abdomen – The back part of a spider. Ballooning –Sinning so much web you float away. Banana- A curved yellow fruit. Cephalothorax – The part that has the eyes on it. Dragline – A line that spiders use to come down to get there pray. Molt – To shed the outer skin at a certain time.

13 references Banana Spider Pictures: InsectsInsects, insects and more insectsinsects SpidersSpiders, spiders and more spidersspiders

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