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Preparing/modifying materials for lesson plans Grammar examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing/modifying materials for lesson plans Grammar examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing/modifying materials for lesson plans Grammar examples

2 General reasons for modifying materials fail to fulfill the goals and objectives specified by national curricula fail to fulfill the goals and objectives of schools cannot be finished in the time available require facilities or equipment that are not available not engaging the learners’ personality

3 Principles of materials adaptation Making activities communicative Making learning activities relevant and purposeful Meet your learners’ needs Use models of real, authentic language

4 Four tasks easy to modify TaskLanguage focusComments/observati ons Become a scriptwriterPhrasal verbsInstead of different phrasal verbs focus can be made on one particular verb( get, make, put, take) What if…If........... wouldPre-teaching of some vocabulary may be necessary according the content of the video The longest sentenceAdjective, adverbs, quantifiers, linkers can be easily extended into an analysis of parts of speech

5 Become a scriptwriter Students are provided with a list of phrasal verbs Teacher asks the students to write a script using as many phrasal verbs from the list as possible (in groups of 4) The script closest to the original (video) and with most number of verbs is the winner

6 Become a scriptwriter Phrasal verbmeaning get on (with someone)have a good relationship ask (someone) outask somebody to go on a date fall for someonefall in love with someone go out (with someone)be in a relationship with someone move in (with someone)start living in the same home fall out (with someone)have an argument, stop being friends,

7 Become a script writer Phrasal verbmeaning split up (or break up )(with someone) end a relationship get over (someone/something)stop feeling upset about something bump into someonemeet by accident make upbecome friends again after falling out get back togetherstart a relationship again

8 What if…... Students watch a brief video “what if wild animals ate fast food” Then students are asked to work in pairs and write a number of sentences starting “if wild animals ate fast food they would……”

9 The longest sentence Look at the sentence below. Add words to the sentence to make it longer. Rules: The sentence must be grammatically correct The boy found a kitten in the street

10 Thank you

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