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Overview of Using RIASEC Interest Types to Support Career Exploration.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Using RIASEC Interest Types to Support Career Exploration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Using RIASEC Interest Types to Support Career Exploration

2 Main Points Describe steps for examining career interests Examine nature of the six RIASEC codes Introduce how to interpret RIASEC results Use RIASEC to support career exploration

3 Steps to Interpreting RIASEC Codes Step 1: Individual completes career interest assessment such as the PGI Step 2: Individual receives results organized around six RIASEC types Step 3: Career Professional explains to students the nature of the RIASEC codes

4 Step 4: Career Professional explains why we focus on the top three codes and why all six are being provided Step 5: Career Professional describes link between RIASEC type and Occupations

5 Step 6: Career Professional explains how beginning with RIASEC code can facilitate career exploration. Step 7: Career Professional must be cautious in interpretation

6 Step 1: Individual completes career interest assessment such as the PGI Step 2: Individual receives results organized around six RIASEC types Step 3: Career Professional explains to students the nature of the RIASEC codes


8 Step 1: Individual complete career interest assessment such as the PGI Step 2: Individual receives results organized around six RIASEC types Step 3: Career Professional explains to students the nature of the RIASEC codes


10 Step 1: Individual completes career interest assessment such as the PGI Step 2: Individual receives results organized around six RIASEC types Step 3: Career Professional explains to students the nature of the RIASEC codes

11 RealisticInvestigativeArtistic Mechanical Conservative Practical Analytical Scientific Curious Creative Unique Original SocialEnterprisingConventional Extraverted Helper Empathic Dominant Confident Leader Precise Dogmatic Practical


13 Step 4: Career Professional explains why we focus on the top three codes and why all six are being provided Step 5: Career Professional describes link between RIASEC type and Occupations

14 Hexagonal Model Realistic Conventional Enterprising Investigative Artistic Social

15 Step 4: Career Professional explains why we focus on the top three codes and why all six are being provided Step 5: Career Professional describes link between RIASEC type and Occupations

16 Linking RIASEC Results to Occupations RI – Mechanical Engineer SE – Educational Administrator AS -University Professors RC -Computer Technician SAE- Career Counselor

17 Step 6: Career Professional explains how beginning with RIASEC code can facilitate career exploration. Step 7: Career Professional must be cautious in interpretation

18 Facilitating Career Exploration Online career portal automatically matches pattern of individual results to occupations Once a few options are identified, the next step is to explore them further PGI provides all six RIASEC scores and allows students to examine different two and three type patterns



21 Step 6: Career Professional explains how beginning with RIASEC code can facilitate career exploration. Step 7: Career Professional must be cautious in interpretation

22 Cautions Using RIASEC for exploration, not placement Occupation/Career fit is due to a number of factors including skills, values, etc. One can work in a career with low RIASEC fit

23 RIASEC type influenced by a combination of heredity and learning RIASEC characteristics reflect how well the learning context has helped students realise his or her true abilities, interests, and potential.

24 Review Steps to Support Students Step 1: Students complete career interest assessment such as the PGI Step 2: Students receive results organized around six RIASEC types Step 3: Career Professional explains to students the nature of the RIASEC codes

25 Step 4: Career Professional explains why we focus on the top three codes and why all six are being provided Step 5: Career Professional describes link between RIASEC type and Occupations

26 Step 6: Career Professional explains how beginning with RIASEC code can facilitate career exploration. Step 7: Career Professional must be cautious in interpretation

27 V. Scott Solberg, Ph. D. Associate Director for Research and Director of Wisconsin Careers Center on Education and Work University of Wisconsin – Madison

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