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GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR DATA II One way to turn your data into knowledge, and another way that’s probably better Winter Storm 2010 Stats workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR DATA II One way to turn your data into knowledge, and another way that’s probably better Winter Storm 2010 Stats workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR DATA II One way to turn your data into knowledge, and another way that’s probably better Winter Storm 2010 Stats workshop Dave Kleinschmidt

2 ANOVA What is it, anyway?

3 WHAT YOU WANT You’ve designed + run your experiment It sorts observations into groups Is there any difference between groups?

4 YOUR DATA IS NOISY This could be a big problem for you What if the noise is too big, and drowns out the effect of your groups? More importantly, how can you tell?

5 STATISTICS TO THE RESCUE Statistical models quantify noise ANOVA is one kind of model Mixed-effects models (MEMs) are another

6 ANOVA ANalysis Of VAriance Tells whether group means are identical (tests a null hypothesis) Compare variance between groups (good) with variance within groups (bad—noise)

7 ANOVA Figure from PDQ Statistics, Norman and Streiner

8 ANOVA If differences between groups outweigh noise within groups, then you can safely reject the null hypothesis (which is that your experiment did nothing)

9 ANOVA—ONE LAST NOTE ANOVAs come in different flavors: One-way ANOVA tests one grouping Factorial ANOVA tests multiple crossed groupings Repeated-measures ANOVA tests a design where each subject is exposed to each condition (a within-subjects design)

10 SO WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? ANOVA’s considered the gold-standard Especially for factorial designs However, ANOVA makes assumptions: Data is perfectly balanced Each group has identical variance No systematic variability between subjects or items

11 MIXED-EFFECTS MODELS TO THE RESCUE! MEMs can represent nearly any sort of variability between subjects/items. Balance these differences with the need to draw general conclusions about the average character of the whole population

12 MIXED-EFFECTS MODELS TO THE RESCUE! Do other nice things, too Far more robust to missing data Can model nearly any data distribution (not just normal, like ANOVA)

13 WHAT IS A MEM? Combines fixed and random effects: Fixed effects are deterministic and common to all subjects/itmes Random effects vary from subject-to- subject/item-to-item `

14 WHAT IS A MEM? Fixed effects describe how the experimental manipulations affect the observations Think of it as the slope of a line: data ij = fixed * x ij (x ij is the condition that data ij comes from) `

15 WHAT IS A MEM? Of course, we have to add noise. If the noise of each subject/item combination is independent, than we just get data ij = fixed * x ij + noise ij Where all of the noise ij s are independent and normally distributed (with mean zero) (this is the essence of an ANOVA) `

16 WHAT IS A MEM? What if some subjects are just faster/better than others? Then we just add another noise term by subjects: y ij = fixed * x ij + noise 0j + noise ij Note that this changes the intercept for the line for each subject, but leaves the slope the same for each `

17 WHAT IS A MEM? In the same way, we can let the slope of the line vary a little by subject, too. This is equivalent to saying that we believe the experimental manipulation affects some subjects more than others. `

18 SO WHY DOESN’T EVERYONE USE MEMs? Soon, everyone will (probably). No pencil-and-paper solution, unlike ANOVA (but software is widely available now) ANOVA is the established standard (but more and more are using MEMs)


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