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Why Elluminate? Does Elluminate have a lasting affect on our students? What is a probable Completion Rate of students that attend live sessions in Elluminate?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Elluminate? Does Elluminate have a lasting affect on our students? What is a probable Completion Rate of students that attend live sessions in Elluminate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Elluminate? Does Elluminate have a lasting affect on our students? What is a probable Completion Rate of students that attend live sessions in Elluminate? A 50% B 75% C 90% D 97+%

2 97+% 97+% completion rate with students that attend: – Live Lessons – Collaboration Project sessions – General Help – Any session!

3 How to Participate in the Session! This box contains the list of participants This is the chat area Type your message here and click “send” Click the blue A tool and then click anywhere on the whiteboard area to add text Chose the color for YOUR text here and use it throughout the session. Courtesy of S. Boege

4 Draw and Type on the Board! Your turn Use the tools to the left to write your name on the board! – Use the to type. – Change the COLOR and SI Z E with the tools below. Then try to erase something! – Use then CLICK YOUR TEXT AND HIT DELETE

5 Before we get started! CHOOSE A if you have been with FLVS less than 3 years CHOOSE B if you have been with FLVS 3-5 years CHOOSE C if you have been with FLVS 5+ years

6 Let’s get started on your group project!!! Pick your color Fill in your full Name AND What subject you teach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. YY Using the objects below and any tools available to you, please create a picture that has something to do with taking an online course!

7 Let’s see what you came up with!


9 Creative projects

10 Research based projects


12 Literacy Tip #1: Directions -Color-coded -Easy to follow directions -Basic graphic organizer

13 Literacy Tip #2: Vocabulary - Simple definition - Emphasis on key ideas - Graphic support

14 Directions from Lesson

15 Climate and Meteorology Project Instructions: 1.Each team member selects a global location (city from any where around the world). 2.Each team member researches the 7 day weather forecast for that location. Include: 1.Weather Model 2.Temperature (High and Low) 3. Precipitation 4.Wind Speed 5.Special advisories, etc. 3.Each team member recommends tips for citizens based on the weather conditions. 4.Share the information with your group. 5.Combine all of the information to create one final product to turn in to your teacher. Include images, and be creative. Ready, Set, Pick Your City… Click the GREEN CHECK after picking your city and when you are ready to begin! Tips Use or other reliable weather site for your research. You will have to cite your Make sure everyone in the group has a job, and knows what they are doing. Your NameCity You Picked

16 Example of what to look for at 1.) Type in your city 2.) Use info to create weather station model

17 Directions: Fill in the weather station model below for your city.


19 Literacy Tip #3: Graphic Organizers Simple correspondence of information

20 Student Feedback

21 Teach them to save their files!

22 Educator submissio n Collaboration Part 1 Click the green check when you are finished!

23 Brainstorming!

24 Welcome To Family Science Night! Please be sure to have the following materials ready Water 1 large bowl 1 Spoon Measuring Cup 1 Box of Corn Starch Paper Towels for CLEAN UP! Water 1 large bowl 1 Spoon Measuring Cup 1 Box of Corn Starch Paper Towels for CLEAN UP! Make sure when doing this lab you are far enough away from your computer!! This can get a little messy Family Involvement!

25 Student Engagement

26 Literacy Tip #4: Graphic Organizers T-chart Easy to use in Elluminate Organizes two concepts Easily adaptable

27 Time to CELEBRATE!

28 Game Night!!!! You have been invited to GAME NIGHT ! Why you ask??? Well because you’re so awesome of course. Obviously you did something totally outstanding and deserve a night of online fun!!! We will play some games and listen to some music. Any requests? When? Thursday, September 9 th at 8 p.m. Where : Online… I will send you the link the night before in an email Please let me know if you plan on attending so that I can hold your spot!

29 Welcome to your Virtual Pizza Party!!!! You are here, because you’re awesome!!!!! Way to go Grab a snack and get ready to PARTY!!!!

30 Virtual Pizza Party/Game Night

31 Game Night!


33 Favorite Video Game To Play A place you want to visit!

34 WORD SCRAMBLE!!! Unscramble the letters to make a word(s). When you think you have the right answer, be the first to raise your hand!!!


36 Game Night – Word Scrambler

37 WACKY WORD GAMES!! Try to figure out what the picture means These are tricky!!!

38 N fr E ie E nd D

39 Answer: Friend in need

40 Literacy Tip #5: Word Consciousness WACKY WORD GAMES!!




44 1.

45 Brainstorming!

46 Advertising Ideas!

47 3-2-1 3 Ideas you will take back to your course 2 Topics that you found interesting 1 Question you still have

48 What are your needs??? Questions???

49 A resource for you!

50 What is a SESSION PLAN ?

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