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Situational Awareness Technology Presenter: State Fire Marshal Kate Dargan.

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Presentation on theme: "Situational Awareness Technology Presenter: State Fire Marshal Kate Dargan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Situational Awareness Technology Presenter: State Fire Marshal Kate Dargan

2 Situational Awareness Initiative Build on core success of FIRESCOPE to explore and develop improved Situational Awareness Explore, prioritize and set the foundation for SA operations in California. Promoting enhanced situational awareness to improve operational effectiveness and firefighter safety

3 Improving Situational Awareness “…and is the primary basis for subsequent decision making and performance in the operation of complex, dynamic systems.” Situational Awareness (SA) is the assessment side of risk management SA allows us to improve the efficiency, safety, and effectiveness of operations “Situational awareness is the accurate perception of what is going on around you...”

4 Situational Awareness Technology encompasses…… Using all the information necessary to be safely effective. Situational Awareness is … Suppression Prevention Mitigation

5 Components of Situational Awareness Data Gathering and Sharing Blue Force (Resources) Tracking Environment Decision Making Common Operational Picture

6 Situational Awareness Technology Presenters: Kate Dargan (State Fire Marshal): SAT Overview and Presentation Goal David Blankinship (Colorado Springs FD):Risk Analysis Mapping/National Data Sharing/ CSFD Automatic Vehicle Locator Program (AVL) Chiefs Windsor/Toups (RUU/RCFD):Riverside CO FD/AVL/Initial Attack Applications Dr. Jack Thorpe, Colonel (USAF, retired) Dept of Defense R&D: Technologies That Contribute to SA Brian Collins (SRA Inc.):SA Tech Overview/Remote Sensing/Risk Analysis Mapping

7 Where Do We Go From Here? FIRESCOPE Involvement Issue leadership Voice in the national dialog Specialist Group  Integrate GIS, Communications SG’s  Standardize SA components OES and Cal Fire/SFM Roles Leadership partner Situational Awareness Initiative

8 Proposal: 1. Develop a CA SAT Strategic Plan 2. Mirror Radio Interoperablility process 3. Partner between multiple agencies/depts 4. Present and adopt final recommendations in CA and carry them forward nationally Situational Awareness Initiative

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