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Answers to Questions #1 & #2. AssetsLiabilities First Generation Bank $5,000 Demand Deposits $5,000 Required Reserves $5,000 Total -----------------------------------------------

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Presentation on theme: "Answers to Questions #1 & #2. AssetsLiabilities First Generation Bank $5,000 Demand Deposits $5,000 Required Reserves $5,000 Total -----------------------------------------------"— Presentation transcript:

1 Answers to Questions #1 & #2

2 AssetsLiabilities First Generation Bank $5,000 Demand Deposits $5,000 Required Reserves $5,000 Total ----------------------------------------------- AssetsLiabilities First Generation Bank $5,000 Demand Deposits $500 Required Reserves $5,000 Total ----------------------------------------------- $4,500 a) 100% r.r. b) 10% r.r. Excess Reserves i)MS ↑ $5,000 (Fed has “new” money ) ii)$5,000 iii)$5,000 i)$4,500 ii)MS ↑ $50,000 ($4,500 X 10 + 5K) iii)$5,000 iv)$50,000

3 (c) If banks keep some of the deposit as excess reserves, how will this influence the change in the money supply that was determined in part (b)(ii)? Explain. If the banks hold some of the excess reserves => increase in the money supply would be less than $50,000 => banks lend less money => less money creation The price of bonds would rise. When bond prices ↑ => interest rate ↓ (inverse relationship) ======================================== d) When the Federal Reserve purchases bonds in the open market what happens to the price of bonds?

4 a) One point for a correctly labeled graph of the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC). One point for showing a vertical long-run Phillips curve (LRPC) and the point A to the right of the LRPC on the SRPC.

5 B)U.S. economy in a recession C) Gov’t raises taxes => AD shifts left => real GDP falls => bigger recession

6 i)Buying Bonds in Open Market Operations injects money into the banking system increasing money supply and lowering nominal interest rates (federal funds rate) iii) Lower interest rates => more Investment (I) & Consumption (C) => AD will shift right => real GDP ↑ & Price Level ↑ MD MS 2 Nominal Interest Rate Qty of $ MS 1 --------- i1i1 ---------------i2i2 Q1Q1 ii) Question d iv) Monetarists believe money is neutral => an increase in MS Will have no effect on real GDP. Only nominal GDP would rise

7 i)SRAS shifts right as the expected price level falls ii) The natural rate of unemployment is unchanged. Question e

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