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By drawing a picture describe the flow of genetic information from DNA to a protein.

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Presentation on theme: "By drawing a picture describe the flow of genetic information from DNA to a protein."— Presentation transcript:

1 By drawing a picture describe the flow of genetic information from DNA to a protein.

2 What is the function of RNA?

3 Transfers or relays genetic information

4 What is the product of transcription?

5 mRNA

6 Where in the cell does transcription take place?

7 Nucleus

8 What is the product of translation?

9 A protein

10 Where in the cell does translation take place?

11 At the ribosome

12 True or false: During transcription, mRNA is being synthesized from both sides (both backbones) of DNA.

13 False: mRNA is a complement to only one side of DNA

14 What determines which amino acid is brought to the ribosome during translation?

15 The mRNA codon – use your codon chart. Remember 1 codon = 1 amino acid!

16 What bring the amino acids to the ribosome during translation?

17 tRNA

18 Given the DNA sequence find the mRNA sequence and the amino acid sequence: TACGGACAC


20 Removing a nucleotide from a DNA sequence is called ____________ mutation.

21 Frameshift (deletion)

22 What mutation is shown below: ATTGGCTATCCG ATTGGGTATCCG

23 Point mutation (also called substitution)

24 What is the major problem that could result from a mutation?

25 An abnormal protein

26 If a mutation does not cause a change in the amino acid sequence it is called a:

27 Silent mutation

28 Name 1 benefit of genetic engineering.

29 helps to determine paternity identify a carrier of a particular gene solve a crime

30 What process or technique is used to help researchers analyze a person’s DNA and compare the sequence to other organisms?

31 Gel electrophoresis

32 What is the term used to describe which genes are turned “off and on” in order to synthesis necessary proteins for the organism?

33 Gene expression

34 When cloning a mouse, how many mice does the process require?

35 3 – A donor somatic cell (the cell being cloned), a donor egg cell and a surrogate. The nucleus is removed from the donor egg cell and the somatic cell nucleus is implanted in the surrogate.

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