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 Tina Pate, Coordinator  Internship Youth Apprenticeship Employability Skills.

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Presentation on theme: " Tina Pate, Coordinator  Internship Youth Apprenticeship Employability Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1  Tina Pate, Coordinator  Internship Youth Apprenticeship Employability Skills

2 Click on the Worth County High School tab located at the top of the page Under Quick Links (left side of screen), click on Staff Directory, click on Teacher Websites Find me – Tina Pate Click on Work-Based Learning Will find announcements, assignments, handbooks, PowerPoint orientations, etc. Check every 2-3 days

3 Through on-the- job experience, students will gain exposure to a career area of their choice to help in planning for their future.



6 Location! CTAE Hall

7 You are an elite group within this school. It is a privilege to get to participate in the WBL program. You represent young adults, your families, WCHS, and Worth County Schools in our community…….. If you mess up, there is an AP Calculus or Chemistry Class waiting for you…… Before the Rules…

8 You and your parents need to read the handbook – front to back. You and your parents will need to sign Page 29 of the Student Handbook. Bring the handbook to me and I will copy Page 29. DO NOT tear it out of the packet.

9 Read Page 4 of the Student Handbook carefully! (Academic Probation) Read Page 12 of the Student Handbook carefully! (Entering Campus)

10 Not permitted without permission of the coordinator. Be cautious of your grade! A student fired will be given a 0 for the employer evaluation and be put on probation and may be removed from the program. A student “laid off” will be given a 10 day grace period to find employment. Students not employed at any time should remain at the high school with Ms. Pate – unless completing applications and/or interviewing.

11 Students must go to work or they are considered skipping…unless it is your day off. If a student is assigned ISS, they must stay at school ALL DAY. They may not check out early. If they do, they are still required to make-up ISS time. If assigned ISS, students must notify employer and Ms. Pate. Please notify me BEFORE I read it on the ISS list. Parents and/or guardians must sign all forms for students that are 18 years of age. They are considered adults in the business world, but the school still needs signatures.

12 Each student will create a 1- inch presentation style notebook. This notebook will be the manual for this course. It will have ALL your assignments for the whole year….. And is due at the end of the course. You are responsible for keeping this up to date! Watch for “spot checks”! Yikes…. What if I lose it? Don’t.

13 Cover Page--On Front Name on the Spine Divide into 7 Sections 1. “Attendance” – All Yellow Time Sheets 2. “1 st Nine Weeks” – August 3, 2015 to October 8, 2015 3. “2 nd Nine Weeks” – October 9, 2015 to December 18, 2015 4. “3 rd Nine Weeks” – January 5, 2016 to March 9, 2016 5. “4 th Nine Weeks” – March 10, 2016 to May 20, 2016 6. “Handbook” – Student Handbook 7. “Miscellaneous” – Notes, Reminders, General Information Keep Notebooks Up-To-Date, Neat, and Organized. If personnel from the central office come to your work site, you must be able to show them your notebook on the spot.

14 WBL Notebook: All forms & assignments are found at

15 Click on the Worth County High School tab located at the top of the page Under Quick Links (left side of screen), click on Staff Directory, click on Teacher Websites Find me – Tina Pate Click on Work-Based Learning Will find announcements, assignments, handbooks, PowerPoint orientations, etc. Check every 2-3 days


17 Sign in or out in WBL office. Check for handouts and messages Go to Work. Keep up with your WBL notebook.. Simple … Learn & be awesome!

18 LOG YOUR TIME AT WORK EACH DAY This acts as a Time Card..... At the end of each month, calculate Total Hours and Gross Pay – Time Sheet must be completed – ACCURATELY – or it will be returned to you. Make sure you and your employer sign.

19 At the end of each month/semester, you will turn in a copy of that work from your notebook. It will include: Time Sheet Notebook Evaluation Monthly Assignment(s) Pay Stubs (if applicable) Copies of work will be turned in to Ms. Pate by submitting via Dropbox or placing work in appropriate drawer on or before due dates. Original copies will be kept in your notebook at all times. 9 Weeks….

20 Assign FOB’s Turn in Forms Read Student Handbook Listen for “Roll.” Go over Job Placements Review Rules General Questions…. ?

21 Put together Work- Based Learning Notebooks. Review Documentation Information. Identify Job Placements. Complete Application Packets. (Students will not be allowed to leave campus early until these items are complete.)

22 FOB in/out each day…. Where? In the WBL Office Marked Absent if not signed in or signed out Do Not FOB in/out if you leave school early If computers are not working, sign out on forms provided

23 Attendance (cont.) It is imperative that you are on your job site for 60 minutes per release period. Less time will affect your grade. Travel time or stopping for food, gas, etc., does NOT count. Keep me posted as to ANY unique schedule!!!

24 Communicate with me!!!!! If you are absent, call your supervisor AND call me. (or you are docked 10 pts.) IF you check out, you will be counted absent for the following period(s) unless you check back in.

25 Write hours working each day (on sign-out sheet). If you are off, write “off”……… If you are not scheduled to work, you must leave campus….. IF there is something special going on, talk to me and follow procedures. (Page 12 of Handbook) When you sign out and post your time, you are responsible for being where you are supposed to be.

26 If you are not passing this internship, you must see me each day when you sign out!

27 When you call or e-mail me, PLEASE leave the following information: Your Name Short Message Your Phone Number If you call my cell, 229-206-2400, you can leave a voicemail. YOU CANNOT TEXT!!!!!!!!!!!


29 FILL OUT COMPLETELY ALL BLANKS have a purpose. Date your work. Answer every question with a positive attitude. All work that can be typed is typed (or no credit….). Late Work: Max. grade is a 50! You have known due dates since August… 


31 Give your mentor/supervisor a copy of the school calendar. You are required to make up your time at work for every absence…EXCEPT testing. Even when you miss school for a field trip. For non-paid interns, when school is closed, you are not required to work. A paid job is different…you work when you are scheduled to work.

32  The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. Vince Lombardi

33 Hopefully this program will help you make some career decisions….. I am here to help you!

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