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Btc “The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable advantage” Arie De Geus Business Strategist - Royal Dutch/ Shell.

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Presentation on theme: "Btc “The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable advantage” Arie De Geus Business Strategist - Royal Dutch/ Shell."— Presentation transcript:

1 btc “The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable advantage” Arie De Geus Business Strategist - Royal Dutch/ Shell

2 btc Goals for Today Learn about theLearningBusiness Set your goals for the Programme Find out about the ESF requirements Learn about working together Identify next steps

3 btc Outline of Today This Morning Introduce Ourselves Explore theLearningBusiness Identify your project ESF Requirements This Afternoon Define your goals Establish ways of working together Review Learning

4 btc PROGRAM OUTLINE Week 1 –Become familiar with thelearningbusiness –Identify broad project outline and goals Week 2 –Step back and take a broad overview of the business Week 3 –Develop a clear plan –Identify milestones Week 4 –Consider new ideas Week 5 –Get real information –Test what works Week 6 –Put into practice, experiment, pilot and try new approaches Week 7 –As week 6 Week 8 –Review progress –Check results against intentions –Establish future plans

5 btc EACH WEEK Half hour One to One Coaching Session One hour Group online session Three and a half hours: Research Helping each other Working on your topic Piloting/practicing Reviewing your experiences

6 btc ESF Requirements Keep detailed timesheets every week. Detail the time you spend in the day and in the evening. Your hourly rate – we will help you calculate this. Identify any costs you incur as well, eg Mileage Child care while you work on the Programme Telephone costs Any computer software or hardware that you buy for this programme Careful returns – names, addresses, company stamp

7 btc Review Conclude Plan Do

8 btc CHOOSING YOUR PROJECT Your project should be: Relevant Be linked to your business plan for development Involve others (if possible) Have a clear impact on the business Immediate Something you don’t know enough about already Something you don’t get enough time to do, but would be important to the business

9 btc Box 1 Box 3Box 4 CHOOSING A PROJECT Box 2 UrgentNot urgent Important Not important

10 btc CHOOSING A PROJECT If I achieve this, the result for the business will be………………………………………………………………………… ………and the potential for the business will be………………………………………………………………………… ………….


12 btc THREE REASONS FOR GOAL- SETTING To set and allocate work. To direct attention, to help people focus and concentrate on key activities. To develop motivation and self-confidence through successfully achieving goals.

13 btc THREE TYPES OF GOAL OUTCOME GOALS, results, often in the control of other people. PERFORMANCE GOALS, results-orientated & describe activities, measured against an absolute standard eg time LEARNING GOALS, process improvement goals, developing the skills of learning to perform activities better.

14 btc Types of Questions Open and closed questions Probing questions Specific and general questions Leading and value laden questions Hypothetical questions Complex and multiple questions

15 btc ANOTHER VIEW OF QUESTIONS WHAT ANSWER ARE YOU TRYING TO FIND? Descriptive Questions – looking to describe something Relational Questions – looking to establish relationships (usually one to many) Causal Questions – looking to identify causes (usually one to one)

16 btc Performance Improvement Implies CHANGE Implies New Skills and Learning Implies New Understanding

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