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Racial Disparities in Primary Care and Utilization of Health Services at the End-of-Life Andrea Kronman, MD Boston University School of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Racial Disparities in Primary Care and Utilization of Health Services at the End-of-Life Andrea Kronman, MD Boston University School of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Racial Disparities in Primary Care and Utilization of Health Services at the End-of-Life Andrea Kronman, MD Boston University School of Medicine

2 Background  End-of-life care 6 % of Medicare beneficiaries die each year Decedents use 30 % of Medicare revenues Under-treatment of symptoms, especially pain Over-treatment with ineffective / unwanted procedures  Role of primary care at end of life ? More likely to elicit patients’ wishes ?  Racial differences Minorities less likely to have advance directives Minorities more likely to die in hospital

3 Minority Status Hospital Days at End Of Life Less hospice Less advance directives Different patient preferences Different primary care use

4 Study Objective Race / Ethnicity Differences Hospital Days End Of Life Primary Care Examine role of primary care in racial differences of hospital days at the end of life

5 Utilization Variables Primary Care Variables Covariates Death 6 months12 months Study Sample 140,000 Medicare decedents July - December 2001 National, stratified random sample of 1 million beneficiaries Minorities over-sampled: Black, Hispanic > 66 years old, continuous Medicare A & B, no ESRD Methods Study Design Retrospective database analysis of Medicare decedents during their last 18 months of life

6 hospital daysprimary care death 6 months12 months Primary Care (Independent Variables) Number of primary care visits Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) admissions Utilization (Dependent Variable) Total hospital days Measures covariates

7 hospital daysprimary care death 6 months12 months Analysis Covariates demographics (age, gender, Medicaid as income proxy) nursing home use comorbidity ( DxCG prospective risk adjustment score) geographic location (county) covariates Chi-Square and ANOVA Multivariate Linear Regression

8 Decedent Characteristics Health Care Utilization

9 Primary Care Visits Predict Fewer Total Hospital Days At End of Life * * Adjusted for all covariates

10 Admission for ACSC Predicts More Hospital Days At End of Life * * Adjusted for all covariates

11 Racial Differences Visits to Primary Care Physician p <.01

12 Racial Differences Admission Rates * for Chronic ACSC * # of admissions for this diagnosis / 100 people with the diagnosis p <.01

13 Model 1: Adjusts for demographics and illness burden Model 2: Model 1 + county Racial Differences Total Hospital Days at End-of-Life

14 Model 2: Adjusts for all covariates Model 3: Model 3 + primary care variables * All p <.01 Hospital Days * Primary Care Mediates Racial Differences in Hospital Days

15 Conclusions Primary Care Preceding the End of Life:  Blacks and Hispanics  fewer primary care physician visits  less access to quality primary care End-Of-Life Utilization:  Blacks and Hispanics used more hospital days  partially explained by differences in preceding primary care use

16 Implications Increasing primary care at the end of life could:  Decrease expenditures by decreasing costly hospital days  Improve quality of care, particularly for Blacks and Hispanics

17 Acknowledgements  Arlene Ash, PhD  Karen Freund, MD, MPH  Jim Burgess, PhD  Jenn Fonda, MA

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