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BELLWORK Who was Paul von Hindenburg?

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1 BELLWORK Who was Paul von Hindenburg?
Why was Hitler arrested and imprisoned in 1923? Describe how Hitler came to power in the German government. What was the Enabling Act? Why was the Rhineland established as a demilitarized zone after WWI? THINKER: While Hitler was in power he targeted communists and considered them a “threat to national security.” In your opinion, why was Hitler threatened by communism?

2 Dictators and Totalitarian governments in WWII
Acts of Aggression Dictators and Totalitarian governments in WWII

3 Mussolini’s Act of Aggression
Act of Aggression: Recreate the Holy Roman Empire. Wanted to restore Italy’s power, influence, and pride by force! People supported Mussolini because he brought order to the nation, solved unemployment and rekindled feelings of patriotism and nationalism. It was the Italians destiny to recapture the greatness and glory of ancient Rome!




7 Stalin’s Acts of Aggression: pgs. 566-567
Five Year Plans Definition Successes and failures Collectivization Conflict with Kulaks Results Dictatorship How did he rule? Purges Effects of the Purges Limits on the arts Purpose of the Comintern

8 Hitler’s Acts of Aggression
Enabling Act (1933) Nuremburg Laws (1935) Breaking the Treaty of Versailles (1936) Kristallnacht (1938)

9 Hitler’s Background

10 The Alter Hof in Munich: Adolf Hitler (1914)

11 Hitler in WWI; 1915

12 Beer Hall Putsch; 1923



15 Nazi Party Election Results
Date Votes % Seats in Reichstag Background May 1924 1,918,300 6.5 32 Hitler in prison Dec 1924 907,300 3.0 14 Hitler is released from prison May 1928 810,100 2.6 12 Sept 1930 6,409,600 18.3 107 After the financial crisis July 1932 13,745,800 37.4 230 After Hitler was candidate for presidency November 1932 11,737,000 33.1 196 March 1933 17,277,000 43.9 288 During Hitler's term as Chancellor of Germany


17 Why did people support Hitler?
Most people didn’t know Hitler as a harsh, racist, violent dictator who prohibited individual freedoms So why did so many people support him? These questions will be answered in a short article. As we read, answer the following questions in your notes Be ready to discuss! Summarize how Hitler was able to maintain strict control over Germany. What was the Gestapo? How did the Nazis use fear to stop freedom of speech? Summarize Hitler’s aims/goals as leader of Germany. How was Hitler able to come to power?

18 Hitler in Power January 1933: Named Chancellor of Germany
February 1933: persuaded German president (Paul von Hindenburg) to suspend civil rights March 1933: using threats, he gained the power to make laws without government consent June 1934: demanded military swear allegiance to him August 1934: Hindenburg dies, Hitler abolishes title of President & declares himself the Führer , or supreme leader Hitler is now the totalitarian dictator of Germany

19 Hindenburg’s Funeral


21 Time Magazine’s “Man of the Year” - 1939

22 Hitler takes over Europe
Beginning of WWII

23 Hitler’s Aggression What is “demilitarization?”
After rebuilding Germany’s army, Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland. In 1936, Hitler formed an alliance with Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini. This alliance created the Axis Powers.




27 Hitler’s Aggression In March 1938, Hitler proclaimed that Austria was part of Germany Sent troops into Austria to make it official In September 1938, Hitler occupied the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. The Sudetenland had a large German population and Hitler justified his actions by saying: “I was satisfying the wish of all Germans living there to become part of Germany”



30 Appeasement Eagar to avoid another war, the leaders of Great Britain and France adopted a policy of appeasement. Appeasement: giving in to the demands of a nation in the hope of maintaining peace. Munich Conference: Britain and France agree to allow Hitler’s control of the Sudetenland if he promised to stay out of the rest of Czechoslovakia.





35 Hitler’s Aggression 5 ½ months after the Munich Conference, Hitler broke his promise and invaded Czechoslovakia. In August 1939, Hitler signed the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact: neither country would attack the other By securing his eastern border against Soviet attack, Hitler could focus on the rest of Europe.



38 Start of WWII On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.
Used blitzkrieg: “lightening war” – attack combining air and land forces. Great Britain and France promised to defend Poland so they declared war on Germany. Allies: Great Britain and France




42 Hitler Crushes Europe In April 1940, Hitler used his powerful fighting tactics to capture Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. France was surrounded, but protected themselves using the Maginot Line. Maginot Line: armed steel concrete bunkers built after WWI, stretching across the German border. In May 1940, Hitler sent troops around the line. France surrendered and sent their citizens to Britain.



45 Dunkirk By this point, the Nazis trapped Belgian, French and British forces in the Northwest corner of France. The only hope for the allies was an evacuation by sea from the French port of Dunkirk. British began a desperate rescue mission sending 850 ships to Dunkirk to rescue the Allied armies. In Britain, the commander Charles de Gaulle organized a free French government





50 German expansion by 1942

51 Battle of Britain After Germany’s victories in Eastern Europe & France, there was only one major power left in western Europe to fight. Great Britain. Germany made plans to invade Great Britain. However, Great Britain’s Royal Air Force engaged German forces in defense of the nation. Battle of Britain- largest air assault in history. German air force bombed British cities & industrial centers. Yet, could not force a surrender. Great Britain held their ground until help came from U.S.




55 CLOSURE What is appeasement? Was this effective?
Why was the invasion of Poland important? How did Hitler take over France? What was the Battle of Britain? What are the two alliances of WWII?

56 Writing Assignment: Hitler takes over Europe
During WWII, most people got their news from the radio. By the end of WWII, 95% of Americans owned a radio. For this assignment, you are going to create a short radio broadcast that highlights Hitler’s aggression in Europe. You are to take on the role of a newscaster so be creative and SUMMARIZE. You may chose one event to highlight, or you can do all of them: it is up to you! It must be ½ page in length and include important events, people, battles, etc. Monday, some of you will be chosen to read yours to the class – so make it good!

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