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Sharing Differentiation Suggestions Refining Collaboration Goals December 7, 2010 11/18/20151.

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing Differentiation Suggestions Refining Collaboration Goals December 7, 2010 11/18/20151."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Differentiation Suggestions Refining Collaboration Goals December 7, 2010 11/18/20151

2 Goals – Long term Consider what kinds of support differentiation suggestions offer Select differentiation strategies well Collaborate in ways that provide support for all students in math, particularly those who are struggling 11/18/20152

3 Our measure of tonight’s progress towards those goals You leave with at least one new idea for differentiating your teaching of features of polygons You leave with a goal for collaboration that incorporates tonight’s reflection and discussion. 11/18/20153

4 Thinking about Differentiation Suggestions: Do they…. Lead to all students being challenged in ways that support their learning? Keep the work intriguing? Provide specific support? Provide support for those struggling with language? Provide more than merely “more of the same?” Are they viable options? 11/18/20154

5 Task Put post-its on the posters where they belong. Do this for at least two post-its When the signal is given, read over the post- its and identify one that may benefit your students who are struggling. Use PINK post-its for suggestions you found in your curriculum Use GREEN post-its for suggestions you came up with 11/18/20155

6 Collaboration Goals Consider and respond to question 1-3 on your worksheet: 1. Is my goal specific enough to be measured? How will I know I have achieved it? 2. Is it a goal that is mutually agreed upon… do I have buy-in from my collaborative partners? If not, how do I get it? 3. How will achieving the goal make a difference for student who are struggling in math? Discuss your goal and responses to the questions with your table group Revise your goal if necessary. 11/18/20156

7 Log – first one due January 11 Summary of the progress you have made One artifact (e.g., collaborative plan, student work, meeting notes) representing progress Indicate whether you are keeping the goal or modifying it – Turn in original goal and any changes (Next log: March 15, final summary May 3) 11/18/20157

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