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Regulatory and development framework: the key role of TSO cooperation Sopot, November 28 th, 2011 Hervé MIGNON RTE (France)

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Presentation on theme: "Regulatory and development framework: the key role of TSO cooperation Sopot, November 28 th, 2011 Hervé MIGNON RTE (France)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulatory and development framework: the key role of TSO cooperation Sopot, November 28 th, 2011 Hervé MIGNON RTE (France)

2 The European challenges The implementation of two strong political decisions  a new electricity generation mix (low carbon economy, German nuclear phase-out…)  an integrated internal electricity market (e.g. market coupling) requires  a highly integrated set of binding technical, economical and commercial rules  adequate tools to develop key infrastructures

3 European energy choices Towards a low carbon economy

4 New challenges for the technical integration of renewables New areas for wind and solar generation solar wind New hydro solar generationwind A summer week in Germany…

5 Huge plans for offshore wind and the corresponding subsea infrastructure

6 7 A new legal tool for pan-European grid planning: the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (‘TYNDP’) 2010-2014 2015+

7 Pilot TYNDP delivers Transmission investment projects that answer the three pillars of EU energy policy: –Security of Supply –Integration of renewable energy –The completion of the IEM 8 Based on a strong economic assessment

8 The development of « network codes »  Network codes developed by ENTSO-E to become pieces of the European legislation  Covering all relevant aspects in the technical and commercial fields  Defining a consistent economical framework for investment decisions  Already well advanced, to be achieved by 2014 A degree of integration unique in the world

9 A key for success: the cooperation between TSOs  Strong role of TSOs in the power system and market design (e.g. ENTSO-E in Europe)  Deep knowledge of the vital constraints and of possible solutions  Long experience of cooperation between neighbors… necessary to keep the lights on A role for regional TSO associations

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