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Exoplanet Science Don Pollacco QUB. Overview PLATO’s objectives and space Work packages in the definition phase Timescales and aims of the definition.

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Presentation on theme: "Exoplanet Science Don Pollacco QUB. Overview PLATO’s objectives and space Work packages in the definition phase Timescales and aims of the definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exoplanet Science Don Pollacco QUB

2 Overview PLATO’s objectives and space Work packages in the definition phase Timescales and aims of the definition phase

3 PLATO Space

4 Exoplanet Objectives Detection and Characterisation of Earth Analog systems Search for exoplanets around the brightest stars of solar type at all orbital periods and with all physical sizes Search for exoplanets around nearby M-type dwarfs with all physical sizes and at all orbital periods, including at orbital distances such that these planets fall within the habitable zones of these very cool stars Search for and characterization of exoplanets with a wide variety of sizes, masses and orbits around bright stars Full characterization of very bright stars, of all masses and ages, using seismic analysis

5 5 Reminder: Planet diversity Transit  fractional radius (relative to host star)  inclination. RV  planetary mass 2 solid planets: - CoRoT-7b : Period ~ 0.85 d - MEarth-1b: Period ~ 1.50 d => Diversity Transiting planets Radius (Earth Units) ESA Cosmic Vision Dec 1 2009 PLATO: PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars CoRoT, M-Dwarf surveys

6 PLATO Planets Bright hosts => can be used for many types of follow-up eg atmospheric analysis Planets around the nearest hosts (eg 5 th Mag G stars, M dwarfs etc) will be prized targets – maybe even direct imaging/spectroscopy Bulk composition and diversity

7 Definition Work Structure Structure based on CoRoT, Kepler and ground based experiences/discussions Work Packages are mix of mission (eg algorithm development/specification) and “pure” science In general recognized experts involved

8 Exoplanet Science D.Pollacco Exoplanet Science D.Pollacco Light Curve Filtering A.Lanza Light Curve Filtering A.Lanza Planet Detection Methods J.Cabrera Planet Detection Methods J.Cabrera Planet Candidate Ranking M.Deleuil Planet Candidate Ranking M.Deleuil Transit Fitting Tools M.Gillon Transit Fitting Tools M.Gillon PLATA Data Specific Science D.Pollacco PLATA Data Specific Science D.Pollacco PLATO Interpretation Specific Science H.Rauer PLATO Interpretation Specific Science H.Rauer Interface to Other WP and PDC N.Santos Interface to Other WP and PDC N.Santos 110 000 111 000 112 000 113 000 114 000 115 000 116 000 117 000 Astrophysic al Noise S.Aigrain Astrophysic al Noise S.Aigrain Residual Instrumental Noise F.Faedi Residual Instrumental Noise F.Faedi 111 100 111 200 General Planet detection Tools J.Cabrera General Planet detection Tools J.Cabrera Reflected Light detection I.Snellen Reflected Light detection I.Snellen Single Transit detection D.Pollacco Single Transit detection D.Pollacco Other detection methods R.Silvotti Other detection methods R.Silvotti Ranking Procedures A.Cameron Ranking Procedures A.Cameron False Positive identification M.Deleuil False Positive identification M.Deleuil Astrophysical mimics A.Cameron Astrophysical mimics A.Cameron Transit modeling S.Csizmadia Transit modeling S.Csizmadia Orbital parameters M.Deleuil Orbital parameters M.Deleuil 112 100 112 200 112 300 112 400 113 100 113 200 113 300 114 100 114 200 Multi-body Systems S.Desidera Multi-body Systems S.Desidera Planet-Star interaction S.Mathis Planet-Star interaction S.Mathis M-dwarfs as planet hosts P.Wheatley M-dwarfs as planet hosts P.Wheatley Planetary System Characterisation A.Sozzetti Planetary System Characterisation A.Sozzetti Spectroscopic Noise sources C.Watson Spectroscopic Noise sources C.Watson Environments of HZ planets H.Lammer Environments of HZ planets H.Lammer Atmospheres of planets F.Selsis Atmospheres of planets F.Selsis Mass-Radius Terrestrial planets F.Soht Mass-Radius Terrestrial planets F.Soht Planet formation and orbital evolution R.Nelson Planet formation and orbital evolution R.Nelson Mass-Radius Gas Giants T.Guillot Mass-Radius Gas Giants T.Guillot 115 100 116 100 115 200 115 300 112 500 116 500 115 400 116 200 116 300 116 400

9 Light Curve filtering Concerned with identification and filtering of astrophysical noise (spots etc) and any residual instrumental noise

10 Transit Detection Much work already done Need to optimize and apply to more unusual situations (multi-body systems) Examine timing capabilities and parameter space

11 Candidate Ranking Given the pressure there will be on follow-up observations and in particular the RV facilities, then this is important. Need to develop efficient ranking procedures

12 Transiting modelling Extensive work already in the literature But need to examine the validity of various techniques (eg small planet approximation) in the PLATO domain

13 “Near-data” science development Science areas that will help either in modelling of PLATO related data (eg astrophysical noise effecting RV determination)

14 Science Interpretation Areas of “pure” science that PLATO will impact on greatly. There are (many) others….

15 Interface specifications An extremely important work package This specifies the requirements from other (non esp) areas needed to deliver the exoplanet parameters to the required level of accuracy

16 Definition Phase Aims Very preliminary report to ESP PDC (for scaling purposes) - asap Full (literature) review - April 2011. This is to update/inform documentation for implementation phase. Recommendations for improvements, developments and optimizations - December 2011

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