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AIDA Web Interface Tony Johnson, Victor Serbo, Max Turri AIDA Workshop, CERN, July 2003.

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1 AIDA Web Interface Tony Johnson, Victor Serbo, Max Turri AIDA Workshop, CERN, July 2003

2 June 2003 AIDA Web Interface Goals Provide access to Histogram plots without requiring any software installation Putting results on to the web for collaborators etc.  For example for viewing results of “quality control” plots Viewing “live” histograms on the web for  Online monitoring  Monitoring progress of batch jobs Add as much functionality as possible in a “generic” way so that it can be used by others (with minimal work) Complete “out-of-the-box” web application  Packaged as a.war file for use with any J2EE app server –(e.g. Tomcat) Configurable via a simple.ini file (or better via a web interface)

3 June 2003 AIDA Web Interface Features Current Feature set Display of “AIDA Tree” for selection of histograms Displays plots as.png or.gif images in browser  Allows (limited) control of image properties Allows (limited) control over plot properties Allows comparison to reference plots (including Kolmagorov test) Allows export of plots to PDF, EPS, SVG, SWF, GIF, PNG, etc. Planned features Extend to support n-tuples as well as histograms  Dynamic definition of new columns and cuts (evaluators, filters) Web based fitting (including function definition) Support multiple plots per page  Thumbnail browser Extend which plot options can be configured through web Allow users to retain settings via cookies

4 June 2003 AIDA Web Interface Current Interface

5 June 2003 AIDA Web Interface Architecture.root.paw.aida Application Server (Tomcat) Web Application JAIDA AIDA Servlet SQL JDO Remote AIDA C++ App Java App

6 June 2003 AIDA Web Interface Future Work Implement all the “future” features I have discussed Integrate into JAS3 (or other AIDA apps) Publish to web feature  Will eventually be coupled with log book plugin

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