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Global Learning Communities. 1.ICT; A commitment to developing comfortable use of e communications including the web site, virtual staff meetings, video.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Learning Communities. 1.ICT; A commitment to developing comfortable use of e communications including the web site, virtual staff meetings, video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Learning Communities

2 1.ICT; A commitment to developing comfortable use of e communications including the web site, virtual staff meetings, video conferencing, on-line newsletters and discussion groups 2.Personalised learning; Developing independent learning approaches for all 3.Shared learning; Replicating the global economy through establishing shared and continuous learning 24 hours a day How? Our approach centres on;

3 Global Learning Communities 1.24:7 News : Continuous international online Newspaper in two editions (primary/secondary) 2.Conference Centre : Virtual international conferences ‘live’ 24:7. Topics so far: Environment, Student Voice, Political Participation, Enterprise, Health, 2 nd World War. New topics include Study Skills and Sustainable Schools Impact? Student Level : Motivational

4 Global Learning Communities

5 1.24:7 News : Continuous international online Newspaper in two editions (primary/secondary) 2.Conference Centre : Virtual international conferences ‘live’ 24:7. Topics so far: Environment, Student Voice, Political Participation, Enterprise, Health, 2nd World War, Study Skills and Sustainable Schools Impact? Student Level : Motivational

6 Global Learning Communities

7 1.Focusing on teaching and learning e.g. how can existing programmes of study by enhanced through sharing them. 2.GLC Website with case studies, library, communications, links, contacts, etc. Impact? Teacher Level : Making it happen

8 Global Learning Communities

9 1.Focusing on teaching and learning e.g. how can existing programmes of study by enhanced through sharing them. 2.GLC Website with case studies, library, communications, links, contacts, etc. Impact? Teacher Level : Making it happen

10 Global Learning Communities

11 1.Raising teacher awareness; GLC presentations and inset sessions 2.School level accreditation; GLC, International School Award 3.Involving whole families e.g. Parent Ed Programme HIT Project: Honesty, Integrity, Trust Impact? School Level : Raising the Profile

12 Global Learning Communities “Current experiments with things like workforce reform, out-of-hours learning and community partnerships will change the organisational nature and the shape of schools in quite radical ways. No one quite knows what the new forms will look like but the future is, by definition created today. The seeds of tomorrow’s successes or failures are around us now. The future is not going to be the status quo. It’s going to be a mixture of different elements and if we can manage to open people’s minds about what the economy and society might be like and how they might govern day-to-day life, then we have created a basis for people to more effective at what they are doing.” From ‘Possible Futures, four scenarios for 21st century schooling’;NCSL Research Study, April, 2003 From ‘Possible Futures, four scenarios for 21st century schooling’; NCSL Research Study, April, 2003 Context for GLC work

13 Global Learning Communities Jim Oliver : 01234 315086 07709 431237 Global Learning Communities Global Learning Communities Russell House Russell House Stevenson Court Stevenson Court Fraser Road Priory Business Park Bedford MK44 3WH Contact Information

14 Global Learning Communities online newspaper written by and for children and young people around the world. Archived conference materials available on 2nd World War, Enterprise, Health, Promoting Political Participation, Student Voice, World Environmental Issues, Sustainability and one on Sexual Relationships 1.Project Work: Case Studies of Shared Learning at Primary and Secondary levels 2.Library: Leaflets on key aspects of global learning 3.Using the site: suggestions as to where to find appropriate information 4.About GLCs: the purpose of GLC and how to join in Things you could browse … Students Teachers

15 Global Learning Communities DfES website with many thousands of schools to share work with school-programmes-deadlines.htm British Council website listing (in table form) all the funding opportunities and deadlines school-programmes-deadlines.htm 3.International School Award: Three levels; Foundation, Intermediate and Full. See Global Gateway for details Making Global Learning work… Finding Accrediting Funding

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