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Leaders connect, connecting leadership PROF. LUCAS MEIJS Professor of volunteering, civil society and businesses, and professor of strategic philanthropy.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders connect, connecting leadership PROF. LUCAS MEIJS Professor of volunteering, civil society and businesses, and professor of strategic philanthropy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders connect, connecting leadership PROF. LUCAS MEIJS Professor of volunteering, civil society and businesses, and professor of strategic philanthropy @lucasmeijs

2 STATEMENT 1 Leaders who want to create sustainable change must operate in both the business sector and the civil society.

3 STATEMENT 2 Effective (business) leaders need skills that can be developed in the civil society.



6 LEADING POLITICAL DEBATES MADD Mothers Against Drunk Drivers Private funding for law enforcement officers to give other citizens fines SMART targets Huge anti drunk driving industry DAMM Drivers against MADD methods Against the anti drunk driving industry Drunks Against Mad Mothers Women should stay at home and …

7 LEADING WITHOUT HIERARCHY 63,450 people visited on a regular basis 329,500 people participate in ‘fun activities’ 8,142 people enjoy the Zonnebloem (boat-) trips In 1,209 local Zonnebloem-chapters 1,700 corporate volunteers (CSR) for one day a year = 8 fte* 41,767 regular volunteers from 10 to 2.5 hours a week = 8,000 / 9,000 fte With only 89.7 fte paid staff in ‘Breda’ and 12 fte on the boats *fte = full time equivalent

8 LEADING TOGETHER … RSM Leadership Summit 2015 A call for action for the business community Dutch businesses organising social campaigns together The USA business community organising for social change

9 LEADING BY EXAMPLE … RSM non-profit management class 2014-2015

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