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Journal #52  Do you think when you get older, you should take care of your parents? Why/ why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal #52  Do you think when you get older, you should take care of your parents? Why/ why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal #52  Do you think when you get older, you should take care of your parents? Why/ why not?

2 Journal #54  If you were principal of this school what would you do?

3 Journal #55  With all of the injuries involving football, if you were a parent would you let your child play? Why/ why not?

4 Journal #56  Tell about an event in your life that caused a change in you…

5 Chapter 9 Avoiding Detours and Roadblocks

6 Objective Students examine some of the reasons people use for not doing what they want to do, or can do, evaluate those excuses, and determine what might be done to avoid using them.

7 Vocabulary 1.detour deviating from the usual or more direct route 2. challenge a task or problem 3. ironic when the expected result is contrary to the actual result 4. affliction great struggling or suffering 5. paraplegic the state of having the lower half of the body paralyzed

8 6.debilitate- to weaken 7. orator- a skillful or powerful public speaker 8. serenity- being peaceful 9. solution- the answer to a problem 100 median- being in the middle; as many above as below

9 11. consideration careful thought 12. obligation something that ties a person to a certain course of action, such as a promise or vow; duty 13. valedictorian the student in a graduating class with the highest rank 14. ambition a strong desire to achieve a certain goal 15. evidence an outward sign; indication 16. obstacle an impediment to progress or achievement

10 17. concentration focused attention on a single object or task 18. confront to oppose or challenge 19. confident certain of your own skills or capabilities 20. progressive making use of new ideas; broad ‐ minded

11 Chapter 9 Avoiding Detours and Roadblocks

12  If you discover your career choice does not match your educational or training goals, you will need to make another plan. What exercises in Career Choices and Changes will help you with this task?  Personal profile (page 27)  Preferred lifestyle (page 63)  Lifestyle budget requirements  Ideal career portrait and priorities (page 134)

13  What is not a good reason for permanently giving up your dream?  You don’t have enough money Bad habits will affect your physical and mental health and, thus, your ability to achieve. If your bad habit were smoking a pack a day, how much money would you have spent after just ten years of smoking at a cost of $4.50 a pack? $16,425

14  A goal is a statement that specifies  What you want to achieve or do within a certain amount of time

15 Journal #53  Do you think you map out your own destiny or do you think that it is already predestined for you?

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