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Solar System Candy Lab Name Period 7 7. Scientific Question: Using what we learned about our heliocentric solar system, what is our prediction about the.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar System Candy Lab Name Period 7 7. Scientific Question: Using what we learned about our heliocentric solar system, what is our prediction about the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar System Candy Lab Name Period 7 7

2 Scientific Question: Using what we learned about our heliocentric solar system, what is our prediction about the order of the planets from the sun outwards? Materials: 8 candies are the sun, 4 candies are for the Inner Planets, 4 candies are for the Outer Planets, and 5 are for the Dwarf Planets.

3 Results: Draw the solar system that’s on your parchment paper on your sheet of notebook paper. Start with the Sun, then the inner planets, then the outer planets, and then the dwarf planets. Conclusion Questions: a.What is the purpose of this solar system lab? b.What did each type of candy represent: the candy corn, gum drops, chocolate candies, and M&M’s? c.List the planets in order from the Sun. d.How similar or different was your original prediction for the order of the planets?

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