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Paradigms/Research Traditions “Instead of asking, how can this be true? We could ask, what if this were true? What then?” (Bochner, 2000, p. 267)

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Presentation on theme: "Paradigms/Research Traditions “Instead of asking, how can this be true? We could ask, what if this were true? What then?” (Bochner, 2000, p. 267)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paradigms/Research Traditions “Instead of asking, how can this be true? We could ask, what if this were true? What then?” (Bochner, 2000, p. 267)

2 Models of Research Deductive Theory guides investigation Gather data to assess whether theory is correct Move from known position to data Inductive Gather and analyze data framed around research question Formulate hypotheses and theories based on data Move from specific data to more general explanation Quantitative Rhetorical Criticism Qualitative

3 Quantitative Research Primary Objectives Create knowledge claims through systematic observation of hypothesized connections among variables Numerical terms Data Collection and Analysis Operationalize variables created through surveys and/or intentional manipulation (i.e., an experiment) Statistically analyze relationships Generalize findings from sample to population Predict future behavior

4 Role of Researcher Precise analyst of data Expert Strive for “objectivity” Standards of Rigor Validity Reliability Lynn’s – “So what?”

5 Rhetorical Criticism Primary Objectives Create knowledge claims through critical analyses of textual artifacts guided by particular theoretical stances and perspectives Evaluate social worth of messages Data Collection and Analysis Purposeful selection of unique, novel or exemplars of discourse Neo-aristotelian; Burkean; Feminist; Foucauldian

6 Role of researcher To be a thoughtful and informed critic Biased Researcher cannot be separated from results Normative critique Standards of Rigor Determined by extent to which evidence (i.e., quotes) is presented to support claims Reasonable, viable, and defensible interpretation Generates “Ah ha” moments for readers So what?

7 Qualitative Research Primary Objectives Create knowledge claims by observing and interacting with people in their natural environment Create thick description of particular scene or set of experiences Data Collection and Analysis Participant observation Interviewing Storytelling Creative Analytic Practices Thematic analysis Patterned regularities and unique/novel experiences

8 Role of Researcher Instrument of data collection Knowledge is collaboratively arrived at by researcher and participants Standards of Rigor Theoretical saturation Privilege participants’ voices Reflexive about how standpoint shapes observations and claims Evocative account So what?

9 Things to note The nature of existing knowledge and the research question should guide the selection of methodology Boundaries separating methodologies are blurred Triangulation –Multiple methods can be integrated in single study Research is not evaluated based on process and outcomes

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