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Methods of Research. Why Research Methods? Purpose: – Establishing causation through evidence – Different methods of research provide different types.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods of Research. Why Research Methods? Purpose: – Establishing causation through evidence – Different methods of research provide different types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods of Research

2 Why Research Methods? Purpose: – Establishing causation through evidence – Different methods of research provide different types of evidence – Who cares? In any form of argumentation, you are inevitably using research methods. – 2 main types: Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods

3 Causation & Correlation What is the difference between the two? Why does it matter? – E.g.s?

4 Quantitative Methods What are quantitative methods? – Methods of research that try to establish causation through the use of quantifiable data, and mathematical tools – In the end, all quantitative methods aspire to follow the scientific method. – The modern understanding of scientific method: Experiments

5 Experiments Experiments: The dominant method to causation in modern scholarship Causation as “effects of causes”, ceteris paribus Types of Experiments: – Laboratory Experiments – Natural Experiments – “Quasi”- Experiments

6 “Quasi” Experiments Sometimes, experiments are unfeasible for a variety of reasons, ethical & logistical. – Can you think of examples? Alternative solutions: – Statistical approaches: Instead of running experiments, we try to approximate experiments using statistical tools The simplest way is correlational analysis. From there, approaches get increasingly complex

7 Qualitative Methods But quantitative approaches aren’t the only way to “prove” arguments. What are qualitative methods? – Methods of research that use non-mathematical tools to gather evidence and establish causation – Causes of effects approach [as opposed to Experiments] – Much more conducive to inductive reasoning

8 Qualitative Methods There are different types of qualitative research methods: – Ethnographic Approaches – Historiographical Approaches – Archival Research There is often overlap amongst the various approaches Often, there are ways to quantify qualitative evidence – E.g.s?

9 Pros & Cons There are advantages & disadvantages of both approaches. – Neither is superior to the other, despite what many may say. Pros & Cons of Quant: – Rigor; When done well, it is often persuasive. – Comes with severe risks – easily misapplied; correlation & causation. Quant is often incomplete Pros & Cons of Qual: – Qual methods get directly at the ‘why’. – Also easily misapplied – lack of rigor.

10 Parting Thoughts Social science as hard science? – How do you “prove” arguments? – Can a theory ever be disproven completely? – What does disconfirming evidence look like? – How much disconfirming evidence should you look at? – At what point do you know that your argument is wrong?

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