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+ Positive - Negative Events (Neutral) Faithful Thoughts Looking to Christ in Every Contingency 1) He overcame the world Agency Thought-Choice Carnal.

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4 + Positive - Negative Events (Neutral) Faithful Thoughts Looking to Christ in Every Contingency 1) He overcame the world Agency Thought-Choice Carnal Thoughts (Apparently Noble) Feelings Actions FruitsOutcomes The Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy= The Fall Inert Uniformity Or Nothingness ©unpublished works of Valerie Dimick Attract More Positive Thoughts Your World: 1) True Self 2) Experiences 3) Culture (Bad Boy) (Bad Boy) 2) He is The Spirit of Truth (D&C 93) Hopeful Feelings Peace 1) Litmus Test Charity (Action) Inspired Works – Satan Cannot Counterfeit –(Inspirator, Revelator) Attract More Negative Thoughts Sensual Feelings Fear (Father of all Negative Emotions) Devilish Actions (Weaknesses) What you do when you experience fear, not who you are! 2) Invites the Holy Ghost

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