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Organization of Course EDL 586 Dr. Roe. Contact Information  Course Documents:  APU link 

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Presentation on theme: "Organization of Course EDL 586 Dr. Roe. Contact Information  Course Documents:  APU link "— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization of Course EDL 586 Dr. Roe

2 Contact Information  Course Documents:  APU link  951.765-1600 (206) Patti Hunt 951.852.7415 (cell/home)

3 Week One  Course Objectives  Organization of Class  Professor Role in Case Study Coach  Alignment  Facilitating Development of Funnel  Methodology/Data  Interest v. Accuracy  Rigor  Timelines

4 Materials  Case Study Presentation Rubric  Improving Student Achievement Data Form  Organization of Case Study  Sample Funnel  Course Calendar  Course Case Study Preparation  Funnel Visual  Ed.D. Program APU  Syllabus

5 Week Two  Deliverables Setting of the Study (Part III) – SARC Personal Context (Part I) Research Question (Part I) Purpose of Study (Part I) Problem Statement (Funnel – Part I)  Research Methodology Identification Descriptive – Quan/Qual Data (Part III) Participants – Triangulation of Data (Part III)  Delimitations

6 Week Three  Deliverables Background of the Problem (Part I)  Funnel Developed leading to Problem Statement Dedication and Acknowledgements (Part I) Definition of Terms (Part II) Assumptions and Beliefs (Part II)  Significance of Study (Part I)  Organization of Case Study (Part I)

7 Week Four  Deliverables Literature Review (Part II)  Extensive Funnel fully developed References (Part III) Limitations (Part III) Title Page – Working Title  Methodology Section (Part III) This case study used…

8 Week Five  Deliverables Data Analysis (Part III) Tables and Figures (Part III) Qualitative Data/Quantitative Data (Part III)  Bring the data to life  Implications  Other factors Triangulation – Admin/District/Site

9 Week Six  Deliverables Conclusion (Part III)  This case study found that there was a +/- impact…(Part III) Recommendations for Further Study (Part III) Appendixes (Part III) Abstract (Part I)  This case study examined…  The methodology employed…  The data from this case study demonstrates…

10 Week Seven  Deliverables Complete Draft of the Case Study is Due Individual Review with Roe Collective Feedback in Class  Development of Presentation Notes

11 Week Eight  In Class Mock Presentations Feedback Strengths Assessment Due

12 Week Nine  Presentation to Azusa Faculty Week of November 5 th  Upload Case Study to TaskStream Have three hard copies for faculty at APU One copy for Roe One for Self

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