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Definition Of TACT in The Bible Tact means diplomacy, discretion, judgment, skill, delicacy or insight. You need all that for success. More importantly,

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Presentation on theme: "Definition Of TACT in The Bible Tact means diplomacy, discretion, judgment, skill, delicacy or insight. You need all that for success. More importantly,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition Of TACT in The Bible Tact means diplomacy, discretion, judgment, skill, delicacy or insight. You need all that for success. More importantly, it is a bible formula to easily get you whatever you desire. Its full meaning is as follows: for thought or Think for Action for Talk or Tongue.

2 TACT  There are many passages in the Bible where you are encouraged to use this formula to make your desires a reality.  Tact is the Bible method or way to change your life.  You are planting seed in your life and situations by what you think, do and say. What you give your attention often to by your thinking, acting and talking spring forth in your life.  Hence, you need to take conscious control of what you think often about and what you say and of course what you do.  It is Tact which determines your success or failure.

3 God’s Intruction “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”.~ Joshua 1:8 This shows your life or situation is determined essentially by three things: What you meditate on day and night. This means your thought or what you think often about. What you do….Hence doers of the word alone get rewarded and not hearers. It is Actions alone which gets you the result you desire. What you say or talk about. This is your Talk, Confession, profession or Affirmation….You get what you say. Therefore, the Bible instructs: Let the weak say ---I am strong Joel 3:10

4 The Bible Prayer of King David “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in thy sight, O Jehovah, my rock, and my redeemer.” ~ Psalm 19:14 Imagine what happens when every word of your mouth and every thought of your heart become acceptable to God. Of course whatever you think or say becomes a reality. It comes to exist as it takes on physical form. It is God who brings to reality every word of your mouth and every thought of your heart. Once you plant a seed it germinates without you thinking or doing anything about it. So also when you sow the seed of thought, action or word, it germinates and brings you abundant fruits of similar nature to the seed planted.

5 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. TACT = Thought + Action + Talk Your tact, - the way you think, act and talk - is responsible for your “conversation.” In the Bible, the word “conversation” stands for your Way of life. It is your way of life which leads you surely and finally to your destination in life. Therefore your success or failure depends on your way of life which is a result of what you think, do or talk about day and night. If there is any predetermined destiny, it is your way of life which is responsible for it. When you change your way of life by changing what you think, do and talk about, you will change your destiny for the better. Remember Tact gives you the seed to plant in the soil of your consciousness. When you plant the seed, it germinates, grows and multiplies around you. So when you change your negative thinking, acting and talking, you would change your life and situation in every positive way. Colossians 4:6

6 Glorify God So when you change your negative thinking, acting and talking, you would change your life and situation in every positive way. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

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