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CVE 5074 Leading Construction Operations Organizational Leadership Part V – Strategic Change.

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Presentation on theme: "CVE 5074 Leading Construction Operations Organizational Leadership Part V – Strategic Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 CVE 5074 Leading Construction Operations Organizational Leadership Part V – Strategic Change

2 Organizational Leadership 1. Motivation of individuals 2. Shaping the organization 3. Directing/delegating tasks 4. Organizational culture 5. Changing the organization... strategically

3 Strategic Planning OrganizationalOrganizational Set a vision of the future for the organizationSet a vision of the future for the organization Establishing an action plan to get thereEstablishing an action plan to get there Providing an organization to build the futureProviding an organization to build the future PersonalPersonal Deciding where you want to goDeciding where you want to go Laying the ground work for that futureLaying the ground work for that future Taking one small step at a timeTaking one small step at a time

4 What strategic planning is not... Not a set of techniquesNot a set of techniques Not forecasting the futureNot forecasting the future Not a set of decisionsNot a set of decisions Not an attempt to eliminate riskNot an attempt to eliminate risk

5 What strategic planning is... A continuous processA continuous process A series of systematic decisionsA series of systematic decisions An organization to execute decisionsAn organization to execute decisions A system of measurement of progressA system of measurement of progress A system of feedbackA system of feedback

6 Success factors Get rid of non-productive functionsGet rid of non-productive functions Do we still need buggy whips?Do we still need buggy whips? If we were not committed to “X” today… would we start?If we were not committed to “X” today… would we start? Plant the seeds for tomorrow’s successPlant the seeds for tomorrow’s success Think out of the box, look for new waysThink out of the box, look for new ways Backward planBackward plan Must have upper management supportMust have upper management support ResourcesResources PersonnelPersonnel AccountabilityAccountability

7 Basic planning model External Appraisal Threats & Opportunities Key Success Factors Internal Appraisal Strengths & Weaknesses Core Competencies Creation Of Strategy Evaluation & Choice Of Strategy Social Responsibility Managerial Values Implementation Of Strategy

8 Steiner model Organizational Purpose Values of Top Managers External & Internal Opportunities Problems Strengths & Weaknesses Company Missions & Long Range Objectives Policies Strategies Medium Range Programs & Objectives Policies Strategies Short Range Plans & Goals, Targets, Tactics Implementation of Plans Review & Evaluation Feasibility Testing Planning Studies

9 Strategic Change Cycle 1 2 3 4 Develop Plan Implement Monitor & Get Feedback Review the need

10 Example 1: Project Management S T V S t a n d a r d s S T V P r o c e d u r e s T e c h N e t w o r k T e c h R e v i e w s P M P r o c e s s P M C e r t i f i c a t i o n D e s i g n Q A / Q C P M T r a i n i n g T r u e T Q M I S O 9 0 0 0 Q u a l i t y A u d i t s S k i l l N e t w o r k BST System Implementation - Upgrades Financial Management Capabilities LAN/WAN Development - Upgrades Computer Resources and Networking Capabilities C A D D M g t Improved Quality Operations Integration Enhanced Productivity Skill Sharing

11 Example 2: Regional Village 1.Build LAN/WAN 2.Seamless interaction Hardware Software 3.Conserve manpower Share skills Level workload 4.Train regional PMs 5.Improve customer support E A B C D Region HQ

12 Personal plan Where do you want to be in 5 yearsWhere do you want to be in 5 years What’s your plan to get thereWhat’s your plan to get there What actions are neededWhat actions are needed TrainingTraining ExperienceExperience ResourcesResources How will you measure progressHow will you measure progress Will you need a mentorWill you need a mentor

13 Individual planning exercise If you want to be a PE in 5 yearsIf you want to be a PE in 5 years Develop a personal plan to achieve this objectiveDevelop a personal plan to achieve this objective Follow the basic planning modelFollow the basic planning model What are the key steps in your plan – be specificWhat are the key steps in your plan – be specific What is the timing – set datesWhat is the timing – set dates

14 Individual planning exercise –Example: My goal is XXXX (be realistic!) What training do you need?What training do you need? –Where, when, how? –Funding? What experience do you need?What experience do you need? –Where, when, how? Do you have to pass any tests or get certified?Do you have to pass any tests or get certified? –Where, when, how? How will you measure progress?How will you measure progress? Who will be your mentor?Who will be your mentor?

15 Pitfalls of Planning Commitment at the topCommitment at the top Commitment lower downCommitment lower down Decentralized planningDecentralized planning Inflexibility of plansInflexibility of plans Incremental change vs. operationsIncremental change vs. operations Internal politicsInternal politics Over controlOver control Lack of trainingLack of training Lack of communicationsLack of communications

16 Conclusion If you are going no where in particular… you’ll probably get there !

17 Book Reports Monday… –You Just Don’t Understand Alexis MillerAlexis Miller Alex LasurdoAlex Lasurdo


19 Male-Female Communications  Men live in a hierarchical world; “one up or one down”.  Asymmetry means that some people are more important than others.  Men view communications as contests; women view them as relationships.  Men tend to use the “status” to get things done by giving orders to others.  Women seek to reduce status and create equality and connections.  Women lecture or “nag” because they feel that men are not listening.  Interrupting is OK if the subject is not changed.  Women lead in collaborative ways; communications to maintain linkages.  The key is to understand, not change how men & women communicate.  Men and women can learn to respect & accept one another’s styles.

20 Remaining assignments-1 March 23 - Test 2 - Part II + BooksMarch 23 - Test 2 - Part II + Books April 27 - Test 3 – Part III + BooksApril 27 - Test 3 – Part III + Books Turn in Notebook April 8 - Leadership Paper… 5 pagesApril 8 - Leadership Paper… 5 pages April 22 - Book Report NotesApril 22 - Book Report Notes April 29 – Course CritiqueApril 29 – Course Critique

21 Remaining assignments-2 Paper… 5 pages… due April 9Paper… 5 pages… due April 9 1.Identify 5 major lessons learned from class; 2-3 pages 2.Describe each in detail 3. Final 2-3 pages… “Your leadership style going forward”; project 5 years; describe your plan; how you will apply the lessons of this class; what will you change & how will you do it. Notebook… due April 27Notebook… due April 27 1.Include syllabus and all key handouts 2.Course notes are optional; should be last 3.Notebook should be in 3-ring binder or equal 4.Intent is for you to use the notebook for review and to add material about your leadership progress as you progress in your career. 5.Must pick up notebook by May 7 or grade deduction

22 Leadership Paper Grading 10% __ Introduction & Outline 10% __ Introduction & Outline 10% __ Organization & Length 10% __ Organization & Length 10% __ Professional Style & Appearance 10% __ Professional Style & Appearance 10% __ Correct Spelling & Grammar 10% __ Correct Spelling & Grammar 10% __ Key Points & Reasoning Explained 10% __ Key Points & Reasoning Explained 10% __ Insight & Application to Construction Operations: 10% __ Insight & Application to Construction Operations: 20% __ Critical Analysis vs. Summary 20% __ Critical Analysis vs. Summary 20% __ Overall Creativity & Effectiveness 20% __ Overall Creativity & Effectiveness ______ x 300 pts ______ x 300 pts ______ Grade ______ Grade

23 Book Reports Today… –Talking 9 to 5 Joanna DipJoanna Dip –You Just Don’t Understand Kelsey McGinnisKelsey McGinnis

24 Presentations – Good Points 8 - Short personal stories; life examples; memorable quotes 6 - Creative opening; captures attention; has pizzazz; enthusiasm; passion showmanship outline 5 - Good organization; logical order; smooth transitions 5 - Speaking clearly; good diction; good volume 5 - Good timing 4 - Introductory roadmap; clear 4 - Use of audience; interaction 4 - Lively tone of voice; strong steady voice; confident 4 - Simple slides; balanced text & graphics; short text 3 - Good eye contact & posture 2 - Clear message 1 - Relaxed attitude 1 - Speaking from the heart 1 - Good conclusion

25 Presentations – Bad Points 9 - Lack organization; no outline; meandering; going in circles; no logical order; poor introduction 7 - Poor diction; hard to understand; not projected; too soft; monotone boring 6 - Poor eye contact; reading notes 5 - Too much information or content 4 - Posture or attitude too informal; nervous; not moving 4 - Boring structure; not memorable; no enthusiasm 3 - Boring presentation; stories too long 3 - Poor use of time 3 - Slides overcrowded; poorly organized; confusing; busy 3 - Poor transitions; long pauses 2 - Poor preparation 2 - No connection to class material; no message 2 - Talking too fast

26 Final Presentations Grading criteria - final presentationGrading criteria - final presentation Intro/outline – 10%Intro/outline – 10% Organization – 10%Organization – 10% Simple clear graphics – 10%Simple clear graphics – 10% Good voice & diction – 10%Good voice & diction – 10% Good posture & eye contact – 10%Good posture & eye contact – 10% Summary & closure – 10%Summary & closure – 10% Clear message – 20%Clear message – 20% Creativity & effectiveness – 20%Creativity & effectiveness – 20%

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