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Chapter 2 Study Guide Notes. Characteristics of early civilization 1.Government 2.Religion 3.Specialized Jobs 4.Social Class 5.Record Keeping 6.Benefited.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Study Guide Notes. Characteristics of early civilization 1.Government 2.Religion 3.Specialized Jobs 4.Social Class 5.Record Keeping 6.Benefited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Study Guide Notes

2 Characteristics of early civilization 1.Government 2.Religion 3.Specialized Jobs 4.Social Class 5.Record Keeping 6.Benefited from Diffusion

3 Why did Islamic Civilizations and China become powerful by the 1300’s? Trade

4 Why European nations were able to expand overseas in the 1500’s and the 1600’s as well as gain colonies by the 1800’s? 1.Technology a)Improved navigation (Astrolabe, compass, maps,) ships 2.Money Economy/Commercial Revolution a)Moved away from barter economy b)Rise of banking and lending c)Profit from exploration and trade 3.Exploration/overseas expansion/trade 4.Industrial Revolution – advanced weapons 5.Control of trade routes - wealth

5 4 Goals of Modernization 1.Political Stability 2.Economic Diversity 3.Education and training 4.Improved services

6 Essays 1.Developing nations have to overcome many obstacles in their efforts to modernize. (a) Describe two goals of nations that are seeking to modernize. (b) Explain two obstacles they face in achieving their goals Part A: Identify and describe two of the four goals of modernization. Provide examples Part B: Identify and explain problems/obstacles that interfere with reaching modernization Chapter 2 Section 3 will help.

7 Essays 1.Growing interdependence has led to international cooperation to solve global issues. (a) Discuss two global issues that have developed in recent years. (b) Describe international efforts used to solve each of those problems. Part A: Identify and explain two world issues/problems and give examples. Part B: Describe how the world is working together to solve these issues/problems. Chapter 2 Section 4 will help.

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