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1. Estrogen increases 2. Triggers pit. To release burst of LH & FSH 3. Follicle ruptures releasing egg 4. Egg swept into fallopian tube 5. If fert. – est.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Estrogen increases 2. Triggers pit. To release burst of LH & FSH 3. Follicle ruptures releasing egg 4. Egg swept into fallopian tube 5. If fert. – est."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Estrogen increases 2. Triggers pit. To release burst of LH & FSH 3. Follicle ruptures releasing egg 4. Egg swept into fallopian tube 5. If fert. – est. & prog levels remain high Inhibits LH & FSH. No eggs mature. 6. If not – egg disintegrates, est & prog lowers LH & FSH increases = eggs mature


3 Human Development : p. 728


5 After Fertilization 1 st Trimester Cleavage - zygote divides rapidly. Embryo - first 2 months. -body parts are appearing. Implantation - embryo imbeds into the uterus on the 7th day of development.

6 After Fertilization 2 nd Trimester Fetus increases in size organs and body features become more refined 3 rd Trimester growth in body size Some can survive if born this early

7 Placenta Mother / child bond Organ/structure made of uterine and extraembryonic tissues carries nutrients to and waste from embryo afterbirth


9 Words to know for a healthy life: Puberty - time when reproductive organs start working (teen years). Menopause - time in life when a woman stops making eggs. (50 years old) Gynecology - medicine of female reproduction. Urology - medicine of male reproduction and male/female urinary tract.

10 Vasectomy – surgery in which the vas deference is severed Sperm are not released “Tubes Tied – severing or tying of the oviducts (fallopian tubes) egg is not able to be fertilized or reach the uterus

11 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Bacterial (treatable) Syphilis –Untreated can cause serious damage to central nervous system and circulatory organs Gonorrhea –Painful urination, puss discharge from penis or vagina –Infertility, infections of eyes, and digestive tract Chlamydia –Most common in U.S. –Symptoms similar to gonorrhea –Lead to infertility

12 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Viral Hepatitis B –Liver damage including cancer –Vaccination available Genital Herpes –Recurring blisters and sores on genitals –Never completely destroyed HPV (papilloma) –Causes genital warts, possibly cancers of cervix, vagina, vulva, penis –No cure

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