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Tips to Improve Your Listening Ability (excerpts from presentation) INOMORI Takashi Meiji Gakuen High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips to Improve Your Listening Ability (excerpts from presentation) INOMORI Takashi Meiji Gakuen High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips to Improve Your Listening Ability (excerpts from presentation) INOMORI Takashi Meiji Gakuen High School

2 Listening Do you like listening? Do you like listening? Are you good at listening? Are you good at listening? Which are you better at, reading or listening? Which are you better at, reading or listening? What makes listening difficult? What makes listening difficult? What makes listening easy? What makes listening easy?

3 Factors to Make Listening Hard Vocabulary Vocabulary How they sound How they sound Background Knowledge Background Knowledge

4 One More Thing Oral Reading Practice Oral Reading Practice 1 Know what it means first. 1 Know what it means first. 2 Repeat after the CD. 2 Repeat after the CD. 3 Synchronized Reading (with the CD) 3 Synchronized Reading (with the CD) 4 Shadowing 1 4 Shadowing 1 5 Shadowing 2 5 Shadowing 2

5 Review In order to improve your listening ability you need to: In order to improve your listening ability you need to: have more vocabulary have more vocabulary know how English words sound know how English words sound have good background knowledge have good background knowledge and practice reading it aloud many times in many different ways and practice reading it aloud many times in many different ways

6 What Do You Need to Do? Find the material which is a little bit hard Believe your textbooks are the best source Read newspapers. ( (in Japanese first / in English later) Use MP3, iPod, cellphone, etc. Have concrete goals. (TOEIC, STEP, etc.) Do it at your own pace. You don’t have to be perfect.)

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