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Historical Person of the Year.

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1 Historical Person of the Year











12 The following dates are important for our project: Project Rollout Lab 113 In-Class Research Time All essays due 5/18 Presentations – 5 Days (5 per day) Typed Essays are Due on May 18 th You will be notified of your date during the week of May 11 th -15 th HPOY DRAFT

13 This packet will be turned in with your essay on Monday, May 18 th. Students will research a historical figure from world history up to 1500. Students will present a 3-5 minute, first-person persuasive speech explaining why their legacy has had the biggest impact on the world today. Students will create a visual aid and dress in appropriate costume with prop(s). You will also hand in a typed essay (a 5 paragraph paper) explaining why your figure is the most influential person in the world.

14 Historical Person of the Year How to Score Advanced CATEGORY Advanced (10-9 points) Proficient (8-7 points) Basic (6 points) Below Basic (0-5 points) Totals Performance  A combination of appropriate and effective eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace, and gestures significantly enhance the speaker’s words.  A combination of appropriate eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace, and gestures are used but without the smoothness of level four  Inconsistent use of eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace, and/or gestures interrupt the flow of the speech  Lack of eye contact, clarity and projection of voice, tone and pace, and/or appropriate gestures make the speech difficult to follow Points ____/ 10 Visual Elements  Use of visual aid, props, and costume significantly enhance the presentation.  Visual aid, props and costume are appropriate and exhibit exceptional quality.  Use of visual aid, props, and costume is effective.  Visual aid, props and costume are appropriate and exhibit acceptable quality.  Visual aid, props, and/or costume are present but not adequately used.  Visual aid, props and costume are of poor quality OR one may be missing.  Use of visual aid, props or costume is lacking or inappropriate.  More than one visual aid is missing. Points ____/ 10 Introduction and Background  Highly creative and effective introduction  Biographical information is explained in detail  Creative and effective introduction  Biographical information is sufficient  Introduction has questionable effect  Biographical information is lacking some detail.  Minimal effort is used to gain audience attention  Biographical information is incomplete or inaccurate. Points ____/ 10 Accomplishm ents  Superior explanation of person’s accomplishment(s)  Effective explanation of person’s accomplishment(s)  Explanation of person’s accomplishments may lack detail and/or have minor inconsistencies.  Explanation of accomplishment(s) is significantly inaccurate or missing. Points ____/ 10 Impact on Past and Present  Superior analysis of the short and long term impact that the person’s accomplishment/invention had/has on society.  Effective analysis of the short and long term impact that the person’s accomplishment/invention had/has on society.  Simplistic analysis of the short and long term impact that the person’s accomplishment/invention had/has on society.  Inaccurate or inadequate analysis of the short and long term impact that the person’s accomplishment/invention had/has on society Points ____/ 10

15 Lab 113

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