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Agenda -Setting dan Pembentukan Opini Publik. Pengertian Agenda-Setting Describes the process of mutual influence between media and audience perceptions.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda -Setting dan Pembentukan Opini Publik. Pengertian Agenda-Setting Describes the process of mutual influence between media and audience perceptions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda -Setting dan Pembentukan Opini Publik

2 Pengertian Agenda-Setting Describes the process of mutual influence between media and audience perceptions of what the important issues in public life News media may not be successful in telling people what to think, but they are stunningly successful in telling them what to think about (Cohen, 1963)

3 Pengertian Agenda-Setting The term ‘Agenda’ refers to the rank-ordered set of issues perceived to be most important at given point in time On the media side, coverage without an agenda is impossible: the front page story is assumed to be the most important one in the newspaper that day, and television news shows carefully choose order of their reports The term ‘Setting’ on the other hand, indicates a process in which this media agenda exert a substantial influence on audience perceptions of the issues relevant for society Cumulative use of news media by audience members is supposed to convey an impression of media agenda, which in turn should be reflected by the so-called audience agenda

4 Peran Agenda-Setting By indicating the relevance of an issue, media give their audience orientation Media suggest topics for interpersonal discussion Media provide a cognition map for ‘pictures in our heads’ evoked by an increasingly confusing social environment “The media dominates over the creation of pictures in our head; the public reacts not to actual events but to the pictures in our head”. - W. Lippmann

5 Efek Agenda-Setting The need for information should be highest for people who assess an issue to be highly relevant for them personally while they hold little or no information While a high need for an orientation condition (like a political campaign) enhances agenda-setting effects, the effects decrease for obtrusive issues where people display a high degree of personal involvement (McCombs &Reynolds, 2002)

6 Agenda-Setting dan Spiral of Silence The Spiral of Silence assumes that people are constantly aware of the opinions of people around them and adjust their behaviors (and potentially their opinions) to majority trends under fear of being on losing side of a public debate. In particular Noelle-Neumann based her theorizing on the premise that individuals have a ‘quasi-statistical sense’ that allows them to gauge the opinion climate in a society. Opinion climates provide critical cues for citizens about when they have to decide if they want to express their own views in public or not.

7 Agenda Setting dan Spiral of Silence News media play an important role in the process of the Spiral of Silence The quasi-statistical sense that people use to gauge opinion climates depends at least to some degree on media portrayals of the issue Especially for issues that citizens have little direct experience with, or where they may have a hard time gauging opinion climates, the news media provide an important heuristic

8 How Media Can Shape Public Opinion Collective perceptual errors happen due to a dual climate of opinion A dual climate of opinion exists when the majority of the population has a specific stance on an issue, but perceptions of which group is winning or losing the debate are just the opposite According to Noelle-Neumann (1973), dual climates of opinion can develop because media coverage of controversial issues tends to be consonant and cumulative Consonance refers to the tendency of different media outlets to portray controversial issues in a homogeneous fashion (inter-media agenda-setting) Media effects are cumulative, for they work over time. As a result, dual climates of opinion can develop when a cumulative stream of consonant media messages creates public perceptions of the opinion climate that deviate from the real opinion distribution in the population

9 Proses Agenda-Setting The first part of the process is the importance of the issues that are going to be discussed in the media Second, the issues discussed in the media have an impact over the way the public thinks, this is referred as public agenda. Ultimately the public agenda influences the policy agenda. Furthermore “ the media agenda affects the public agenda, and the public agenda affects the policy agenda.” (Stephen W. Littlejohn, Theories of Human Communication).

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