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Design technology. What factors do you consider when buying one of these?

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Presentation on theme: "Design technology. What factors do you consider when buying one of these?"— Presentation transcript:

1 design technology

2 What factors do you consider when buying one of these?

3 design technology What about?

4 design technology What about? Materials? Life after me? Transport? Who made it? Fair deal? Life expectancy?

5 design technology Consideration… …ensuring that our own and other people’s quality of life and human rights are not comprised to fulfill our demands

6 design technology Consideration… …ensuring there is an economic benefit for both the region which produce the product and the region in which it is marketed

7 design technology Consideration… …ensuring that our actions and lifestyles don’t cause the planet’s resources to be used at unsustainable rates

8 design technology Consideration…

9 design technology What about the environmental impact? What does the term: ‘Planned Obsolescence’ mean? Who benefits?

10 LCD Contains liquid crystalline substances, such as mercury, sandwiched between glass or plastic Electricity consumption Doesn’t compare to houses or cars Kinetic energy Hydrogen fuel cells Zinc air fuel cells Solar energy Board and outer body These are constructed from plastic, which requires crude oil. PCB These include gold, copper, lead, nickel, tantalum and coltan. design technology The demand for materials?

11 design technology What impact does this demand have?

12 We live in an interdependent world. If you bought a mobile phone which countries do you think will be affected by your decision? design technology

13 What about here? design technology

14 What about here? design technology

15 The affect… design technology

16 The affect… design technology Columbite-tantalite (CT)

17 Demand for mobiles phones Increased demand for columbite-tantalite (CT) Groups from neighboring countries fight to control CT supplies in the Dem. Rep. Of Congo (DRC) Land cleared to make mining easier, leading to destruction of natural habitat Local population forced off land to allow mining to take place Farmers no longer able to grow food, so look for alternative food supplies and work Gorillas either killed for meat or leave because their habitat has disappeared Money from CT finances militia in Uganda and Rwanda, as well as in DRC Opportunity to make lots of money decreases chance of peace, and increases conflict Continued fighting in DRC, Uganda and Rwanda design technology

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