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Politics & Progressivism. Government Reforms Fighting corruption Making government more connected to the voters Bringing professional to politics (city.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics & Progressivism. Government Reforms Fighting corruption Making government more connected to the voters Bringing professional to politics (city."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics & Progressivism

2 Government Reforms Fighting corruption Making government more connected to the voters Bringing professional to politics (city mangers) Initiative (Populists) Referendum (Populists) Direct primary Recall

3 Robert La Follette Gov. of Wisconsin “Laboratory of Progressivism”

4 Presidential Progressivism

5 Theodore Roosevelt Myth – progressive reformer Reality – more of a conservative interested in expanding presidential power Not willing to be controlled by the Republican Party Moderate


7 TR & the Role of the Government Mediator More of a trust regulator than a “trust buster” Department of Commerce & Labor Sherman Anti-Trust Act – Northern Securities Company (1904) Arbitration of Strikes – United Mine Workers (1902)

8 The Square Deal Hepburn Railroad Regulation Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act Proposed – 8hr work day “a chicken in every pot”

9 Conservation Government land in the West Gifford Pinchot National Forest Service Newlands Act (dams, reservoirs, and canals in the West)

10 Preservation National Park System Created Yellowstone National Park

11 Election of 1908 TR takes a few on the chin – Panic of 1907 – “the promise of 1904” – Too radical?

12 Election of 1908 A reluctant TR Taft’s wife issues Taft – choice of the Party TR’s choice A SAD VICTORY


14 Taft – Failed Compromise Tried to pick the middle road b/t progressives & conservatives and made no one happy TR felt betrayed by Taft and became publically critical


16 Election of 1912 Nasty primaries for the Republicans – The Old Guard gave the nomination to Taft Democrats – Wilson The Progressive Party – TR (aka Bull Moose Party) The third party ensured the victory for the DEMOCRATS!




20 Wilson’s New Freedom Progressive – after the trusts Expanded presidential power Federal Reserve Act – reform of the banking system – more flexible and reliable system of supplying banks & the nation with paper money Some changes BUT derailed by World War I and a stroke

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