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Mise-En-Scene Research Never Been Kissed (1999). Using the trailers from the following teenage romantic comedies: Never Been Kissed 10 Things I Hate About.

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Presentation on theme: "Mise-En-Scene Research Never Been Kissed (1999). Using the trailers from the following teenage romantic comedies: Never Been Kissed 10 Things I Hate About."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mise-En-Scene Research Never Been Kissed (1999)

2 Using the trailers from the following teenage romantic comedies: Never Been Kissed 10 Things I Hate About You Sixteen Candles I have researched some recurring and conventional mise-en-scene techniques used in the genre Never Been Kissed 10 Things I Hate About You Sixteen Candles

3 Some Mise-en-scene Techniques Sets Predominantly within an educational environment ie. college, university, school; yet also contain at least one scene in another environment ie. house party, office, home Framing Two shots – close male and female interaction Antithesis of high and low angle to represent the different social groups Close ups of the protagonist feature regularly, as the film acts as a ‘coming of age’ as well as a romance Diegetic Sound School bells; crowd noise; PE teacher’s whistle; chalk board; sports hall noises; desk scrapes etc. Costume & Make Up School attire – must be added that American movies generically didn’t have any uniform, whereas English films tend to do so. Based on English life, I will therefore use a uniform. Nerds, stereotypically generally had less ‘dress sense’ than the more popular character archetypes.

4 Trailer Planning - Location

5 St Angela’s Sixth Form Centre The majority of filming will take place between St Angela’s & St Bonaventure’s Sixth Form Centre because it is an ideal location and atmosphere for our chosen idea. Within a lively college, we will be able to feature many young people to emphasize the youth orientated audience of our trailer/film Based in East London, the college also illustrates the influence of multicultural backgrounds

6 Abbey Lane, Stratford We may also film some scenes around the local area – a place that is close, such as Abbey Lane, would be ideal because it is easy for all of our cast to get there and corresponds to our chosen mise- en-scene

7 Stratford Shopping Centre In order to deviate from a totally school based trailer, we may consider filming in Stratford Shopping Centre, depicting the protagonist and female character going together to look for clothes. The location would good to include, yet it may be difficult to film due to external factors (eg. unaware people running across the frame) and also getting the permission in the first place to film here.

8 Trailer Planning - Cast

9 Jamal Alleyne Jamal plays the role of the protagonist, Jacob, the college nerd and target for the more popular boys The decision to choose a Black British male instead of the stereotypical white male was deliberate – we believed that his ethnicity represented the multicultural nature of East London, and thus the setting of the narrative

10 Amy Mills Amy plays the role of the supporting female character, Amber, following the cheerleader-like archetype of my chosen genre. The original casted member for this role was Abigail Enye, however she had to pull out during production and so we had to find a new actress

11 Minor Characters Brandon Solomon – Common Room Scene Bystander Brian Mosquera – Common Room Scene Bystander Roderick Eneh – Common Room Scene Bystander/ Bad Boy Havon Wint – Bad Boy Tosin Alabi– Common Room Scene Bystander Godfrey Umokoro – Common Room Scene Bystander

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