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CS 426 Video Game Design and Programming © 2003 - 2006 Jason Leigh Electronic Visualization Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago “The figure of merit.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 426 Video Game Design and Programming © 2003 - 2006 Jason Leigh Electronic Visualization Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago “The figure of merit."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 426 Video Game Design and Programming © 2003 - 2006 Jason Leigh Electronic Visualization Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago “The figure of merit for a good game is Minimum Rules, Maximum Richness” – Nolan Bushnell (founder of Atari)

2 Is this serious??? Why are Video Games an important part of Computer Science? It is one of the few applications that combines all the diverse CS areas into one focused goal. It attempts to do everything in real time. Areas that are relevant: –Computer architecture –Algorithms –Software frameworks –Operating Systems –Artificial Intelligence –Human Computer Interaction –Computer Graphics –Networking –Database design and management –Image processing Other universities that offer a similar course: –Georgia Tech – MS in game development –UC Southern California –Art Institutes International in San Francisco – Game Art & Design program –Rochester Institute of Technology –DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond, Wash., and Vancouver, Canada –Carnegie Mellon – Masters of Entertainment Technology conferred by College of Fine Arts and School of Computer Science

3 Quick Game Industry Stats Today (source: Entertainment Software Association:

4 The Class Meet in ERF Room 2068 from now on- door access issues. Go thru: Go thru class schedule Go and play previous year’s winners No Exams. Project-oriented class – lots of group collaboration required. –No, single student assignments –Collaborate on designing the gameplay. This year gameplay will focus on “Interaction” –Collaborate on developing the game prototype and final presentation –You will form a video game company of ~3 members –Project will take up A LOT OF YOUR TIME- so good project management is crucial.

5 Grading How do I get a B? –A working demo system that is sufficient to give the player a taste of what the full game will be like- ie a vertical slice of a game. –A well deployed web site documenting the development of the game and eventually deploying the game. –Clear identification of the roles of each group member. How do I get an A? –All of the above, plus… –Demonstration of Good project management. –Implement something technically excellent (clever algorithm) but at the same time FUN to play. –Apply the techniques you learned in the class to your game. –Create an amazingly polished product that is FUN (see demo of previous year). –Give a great presentation throughout the class. –The game needs to be FUN, NOT just pretty graphics. –Create better work than your “competitors.” Remember you are a game company! –Oh and did I say the game needs to be FUN!

6 More Logistics Main tools: See web site. Additional files: Free models, textures and sounds on class website BYOC – bring your own computer

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