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First Hand News Siu Lun Hong Meenakshi Lakshmikanthan Abirami Mangai.

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Presentation on theme: "First Hand News Siu Lun Hong Meenakshi Lakshmikanthan Abirami Mangai."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Hand News Siu Lun Hong Meenakshi Lakshmikanthan Abirami Mangai

2 Operation Description To create a one stop place to see all latest news, pictures, blogs, videos etc. I can associate pictures, blogs and videos to the latest news!!!!!!!

3 Operation Description Con’t A convenient destination to relate to the news by having access to a variety of community driven sources of data. I can access the associated data from different online resources!!!!!!!!!

4 High Level Architecture

5 Design Reusability  Our application is modular, so any part of the application can be reused for example the RSS, XML file which is output of program, can be imported to any RSS reader or any other application which handles XML file. Maintainability  The web application is easy to maintain as several well organized modular design. The application is designed with XML, HTML, JavaScript and C sharp.

6 Design Testability  Each Part of the application can be tested because of modular design. There is no real issues to concern. Performance  Performance of the web application is really fast because all we do is transform the XML file and display it in HTML format. The application doesn’t have any database layer.

7 Design Portability  Its easily portable. It can work in any operating system like WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC etc., because it doesn't use any platform depend programming language or a database server. Technical Risk  If our source website CNN is down or if there was any change in the RSS format, that could affect our application.

8 Design Safety  The application doesn't have any sensitive information, so safety is not a concern.

9 Technical Challenges Modal popup  The current resolution of Modal popup is set as 800 x 400 to support multiple monitor resolutions.  A more user friendly website should determine a browser’s resolution and adjust the contents. Associated results relevance  As news titles are appearing within hours, the availability of related media may be limited.

10 Quality of the Final Deliverable Supports Firefox, IE 7 Satisfies functional requirements and others Typical running performance on desktops A web site installer is not created.

11 Demonstration

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