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Developing Health and Health Care: A Strategy for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Development Workshop 1 st February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Health and Health Care: A Strategy for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Development Workshop 1 st February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Health and Health Care: A Strategy for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Development Workshop 1 st February 2008

2  Develop a Local Strategy which: brings together national, regional and local policies and strategies provides a framework for local organisations delivering care to work within  The Strategy will be developed through engagement with local people and staff What are we trying to do?

3 Background and Policy Context  The Darzi Review  Investing for Health 2007 - 2012  Recent Plans in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Strategic Service Plan, 2006 Service Changes in Primary Care, Community Services and Older People Mental Health Vision for Health Improvement and Healthcare in Shropshire 2008 – 2018 Telford and Wrekin Health Commissioning Plan 2008-2013

4 National Policy Drivers  Staying healthy and avoiding preventable disease  Variations in quality  Variations in access  Variations in outcomes  Localise where possible, centralise where necessary

5 Principles for Local Strategy Making Sense Clinically oHealth, Well Being and Equity oQuality, Safety And Effectiveness oSupporting and Developing the Workforce Making Sense to the Communities We Serve oInvolving People in Making Decisions about their future Health Services oAffordable, Sustainable, Fit for Purpose oPersonalised Services and Access to Care, Closer to Home

6 Determining Strategic Issues PCT Strategy DarziI4HTrust Strategy Patient Experience Service Issues and Concerns Commissioning Issue Provider Management Annual Planning, Performance Management and LDP Processes Strategic Change Service reconfiguration Clinical or financial viability Change in PCT priorities Major capital investment Major workforce change Politically sensitive

7 Developing the Strategy NovDecJan FebMarchApril Agree Project Plan and Mobilisation Principle and Strategic Objectives Brief Stakeholders Develop Engagement Plan Identify and Analyse Strategic Issues Develop and Review Options Develop Strategy

8 Project Management Executive Group (PCT & Trust CEs reporting to Boards) Clinical Leaders Forum Pathways Development Groups (8) Business Group Engagement and Communications

9 Pathway Development Groups PathwayStrategies Required by SHA Maternity and New BornObstetrics Children’s HealthPaediatrics Planned Care Mental Health Staying Healthy Long Term Conditions Acute careA & E, Emergency Surgery End of Life Care Other Strategies: Urology (agreed by PCTs), Others??

10 Membership of PDGs clinical lead clinical input from primary/secondary care management support e.g. commissioning lead key partners e.g. social services patients voluntary sector

11 Clinical Leads PathwayClinical Lead Maternity and New BornAndrew Tapp, SaTH Children’s HealthRichard Brough, SaTH Planned CareJo Banks, T & W PCT Mental HealthMartin Deahl, SaTH Staying HealthyCatherine Woodward, T & W PCT Long Term ConditionsLindsay Ward, T & W PCT Acute careKieran McCormack, SC PCT End of Life CareWendy Jane Walton, SC PCT Other Strategies: Urology (agreed by PCTs), Others??

12 Engagement Plan Phase 1(December/January) –staff summit –brief stakeholders –briefing bulletin –agree membership of PDGs Phase 2 (January/February) –PDGs develop engagement plans –stakeholder workshop –detail engagement plan to end April –establish shared governance arrangements Phase 3: Development of the Strategy (February-April) Formal consultation will still be required if there are changes in service configuration or other major changes.

13 Shared Governance Arrangements Governance of the process not the strategy Membership of CLF – senior officer from each council Briefing to stakeholders e.g. joint HOSC Governance Group to sit alongside the process

14 Today is about getting real engagement and a shared understanding about:  What do we mean by a strategy  How the strategy will be developed  How the PDGs will work  What the key issues are  How you can best be involved in developing the strategy

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