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Issues and Problems Concerning the Internet Copyright ◦ Users pass off as others work and post it as their own work without giving credit to the source.

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2 Issues and Problems Concerning the Internet Copyright ◦ Users pass off as others work and post it as their own work without giving credit to the source. ◦ Students often face disciplinary hearings or even legal charges after violating copyright law. ◦ Many aspects of the issues of copyright and the internet are still not resolved.

3 Issues and Problems Concerning the Internet Identity Theft ◦ Occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information. ◦ Phishing - people pretend to be financial instructors or companies and send spam or pop up messages to get you to reveal your personal information. ◦ 1 in 8 Americans in the last 5 years has been affected by internet identity theft.

4 Issues and Problems Concerning the Internet Cyberbullying ◦ Is when a child is tormented, harassed, threatened, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another child using the internet. ◦ Has been the recent cause of many suicides. ◦ When schools get involved by disciplining the offender for cyberbullying that took place off campus and outside school hours, they are often sued for exceeding their authority and violating students free speech right.

5 Issues and Problems Concerning the Internet Computer Hacking ◦ Is the practice of modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creators original purpose. ◦ Many computer hackers are true lovers of technology who enjoy learning more about how computers work and consider computer hacking as an art form. ◦ Sometimes these individuals are hired by companies to use their skills to find flaws in the company’s security system so that they can be repaired quickly.

6 Issues and Problems Concerning the Internet Computer Virus ◦ A small software program that spreads from one computer to another that interferes with computer operation. ◦ The computer...  Runs slower than usual  Stops responding  Locks up frequently  Restarts on its own  Sends usual error messages

7 Laws & Rules Identity Theft Victims Assistance Act of 2002 ◦ Establishes a nation-wide process for victims of identity theft to obtain business records related to an identity theft to facilitate the victims correction of false records and to assist law enforcement.

8 Laws & Rules CAN SPAM Act ◦ This law requires that anyone who is sending out bulk emails have an opt-out feature. This is when someone can ask not to receive future email correspondence from a particular sender. It also creates a way to collect information about and punish those who are sending unsolicited emails. ◦ Passed in 2003

9 Laws & Rules The Communications Decency Act (CDA) ◦ It regulates children's access to sexually explicit material on the internet. ◦ Passed in 1996

10 Laws & Rules The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) ◦ A narrower version of the CDA. ◦ Passed in 1998 ◦ Required commercial websites to verify proof of age before giving users access to sexuality explicit material.

11 Laws & Rules The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) ◦ Requires schools and libraries who receive federal technology funds to install pornography blocking software on computers. ◦ Passed in 2000

12 Suggestions to Help Internet Safety Never give out personal information unless it is a trusted website Never arrange to meet someone you’ve met on the internet in person The internet is written in permanent ink, Think before you post Do not open anything from an unfamiliar source Give credit where credit is do

13 Characteristics of Good Digital Citizenship Honesty ◦ Be honest about who are. Never lie on the internet, and give credit to the sources you use.

14 Characteristics of Good Digital Citizenship Appropriate Communicator ◦ Use the internet as a source of knowledge and sharing. Be appropriate with the information you share.

15 Characteristics of Good Digital Citizenship Wise Buyer & Seller ◦ Make sure the websites you use to buy and sell items are trusted sources. Make sure the website has security protection to protect your personal information.

16 Characteristics of Good Digital Citizenship Self-protected ◦ Watch the information you give out to internet sources. Also, post appropriate information on the internet -- that includes pictures.

17 Characteristics of Good Digital Citizenship Etiquette ◦ Be a positive role model. Keep in mind that the internet is not a private place. Always be aware of how you handle yourself.

18 Our Sources Internet Safety Identify theft Cyberbullying Hacking Computer Virus Laws

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