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Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer,

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Presentation on theme: "Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Workshop on reporting obligations in the water acquis communautaire – Draft River Basin Management Plan & WISE

2 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Reporting aspects WISE, EIONET, Reportnet, INSPIRE, SEIS concepts and ideas Stephan Nemetz Harald Marent

3 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Content Overview on SoE-EIONET: download and upload of information ICPDR-GIS

4 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Working with DWD-WISE reporting Short demonstration on how to download and upload information to Reportnet

5 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Procedure 1. Downloading neccesary files 2. Entering data 3. Uploading files

6 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Downloading files

7 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”

8 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Login

9 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”

10 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Data Dictionary

11 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Datasets

12 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Search datasets

13 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DWD Dataset

14 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Downloadable files

15 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Entering data

16 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” WISE DWD input

17 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Enter data

18 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Table from guidance document

19 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Uploading

20 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Dataset dictionary

21 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”

22 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II”

23 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” EU Obligations

24 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DWD report

25 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Envelope DWD

26 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Film: WISA SoE reporting EIONET\WISE_SoE_Reportnet_part1.wmv EIONET\WISE_SoE_Reportnet_part2.wmv

27 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Working with Danube-GIS Short demonstration of Danube-GIS and its requirements Ingrid Roder, Stephan Nemetz

28 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Purposes  River Basin Management (RBM) within the ICPDR  Strategic decision-making  Support EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting and map making – Roof report  Public information dissemination

29 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Objectives  Development of a harmonised multi-thematic geographic information system (GIS) covering the Danube River Basin  Integration of existing and future information data sources (Danubis)  Optimization of costs  Anticipate further functionality for future system expansion

30 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Current Functions  View map products (public)  Upload and validate GIS data (GIS experts)  Download GIS data (GIS experts)  View GIS data in webGIS (registered users)  Analyse with query tool  Provide public maps via OGC-interfaces for viewing on other websites or GIS

31 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” Public WebGIS: Roof Report 2004 Maps

32 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Expert: Functionalities

33 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Expert: Data Upload (1) – Shapefile Templates  predefined shapefile templates  only validated data sets allowed for upload (mandatory fields, code values)  allowed: unknown/no information

34 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Expert: Data Upload (2) – Upload Process Check Do field names correspond to template? user system yes no oknot ok Success Message View data in WebGIS Browse… … Error Message(s)

35 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Expert: WebGIS (1)

36 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Expert: WebGIS (2) - Identify

37 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Expert: Workflow management tool

38 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Next Steps  Integration of ICPDR databases (currently: TNMN – water quality data)  Metadata  Templates (new & adaptations), further map integration

39 Component 5.2 Harald Marent, Veronika Koller-Kreimel, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Edith Hödl-Kreuzbauer, Stephan Nemetz, Austrian Environment Agency EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects, Phase II” DanubeGIS Website Thank you for you attention!

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