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INSIGHTS & ACTIVISTS FROM AFRICA ONE WORLD. ZERO BARRIERS. Fundraising Online 2012 Colin Habberton 26 October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "INSIGHTS & ACTIVISTS FROM AFRICA ONE WORLD. ZERO BARRIERS. Fundraising Online 2012 Colin Habberton 26 October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSIGHTS & ACTIVISTS FROM AFRICA ONE WORLD. ZERO BARRIERS. Fundraising Online 2012 Colin Habberton 26 October 2012

2 OVERVIEW Africa: An Introduction Africa & ICT: Current Stats Online Fundraising Trends Activists & Insights: Case Studies –The Cause –The Campaign –The Crowd –The Voice –The Person –The Crazy Q & A Some Inspirations Contact Details

3 “Africa is materially more decrepit than it was when I first knew it, hungrier, poorer, less educated, more pessimistic, more corrupt, and you can’t tell the politicians from the witch doctors. Not that Africa is one place. It is an assortment of motley republics and seedy chiefdoms. I got sick, I got stranded, but I was never bored. In fact, my trip was a delight and a revelation.” PAUL THEROUX, DARK STAR SAFARI

4 AFRICA: An Introduction 'Cradle of Mankind' 56 Countries 2nd largest continent 2nd most populous Covers 20% of land area Over 1 billion people 15% of world population Colonial history Comprehensive diversity Rising economic growth rate: 5.5% for 2011 Source:


6 AFRICA & ICT: Some Stats…



9 GlobalGiving –25% of online donations they received went to projects in Africa in the last three years –Grown from US$530,000 in 2008 to US$1.6 million in 2010 illustrating increased acceptance of digital giving Blackbaud –Rise of 35% in online fundraising in 2010 –International affairs organizations experienced 131% jump compared to 2009 (incl.Haiti's earthquake recovery) GivenGain –2011: >200% increase in Africa receipts vs. 2010 Source: ONLINE FUNDRAISING: Trends



12 ACTIVISTS & INSIGHTS: The Cause GreenPop & The ‘Treevolution’ 3500+ Trees planted in 2 years Community upliftment Certificates & co-ordinates African expansion: Zambia Key Success Factors Inspirational Creativity Simple Message Tangible Deliverables Relevant & Real Impact

13 ACTIVISTS & INSIGHTS: The Crowd ‘Youth Build 2011’ High School Class Building a Home R42 000/GBP 8 000 Buy a Brick Campaign Key Success Factors Pester Power Offline Partnerships Cause Collaboration Remarkable Effort

14 ACTIVISTS & INSIGHTS: The Campaign CANSA Shavathon Cancer Awareness Campaign R50 /GBP 4 ‘for a Shave’ Multi-site/person events 4 Teachers raised R58 000 Key Success Factors Integrated campaign Community engagement Micro-donation driven Public Awareness

15 ACTIVISTS & INSIGHTS: The Voice EWT & Rhino Security Rhino poaching Progressive campaign Rhino as the Activist R156 000 Key Success Factors Personalisation Dynamic dialogue Urgency of purpose Concept extension

16 ACTIVISTS & INSIGHTS: The Person Doug Bailie (& Friends :-) Small Cause, Big Results R300 000 and counting 56km in his 56 th year Personal appeal Key Success Factors Matched funding Influence & affluence Peer to Peer power Global donor base

17 ACTIVISTS & INSIGHTS: The Crazy CHOC’s ‘Cows’ Children’s Cancer Cause 300 Fundraising Activists Wear Cow suits in races R 1 200 000 in 100 days Key Success Factors Community of Activists Accessibility of the Cause Supported administration Wild & Wacky

18 INSIGHTS: A Summary Strategy The Power in People Transparency of Purpose Mass Participation Events Remarkable Creativity Courage & Intention Execution Integrated Campaigns Audience Segmentation Multi-media Content Generation Dynamic, Direct Dialogue Community Management

19 "The Internet, mobile technology, and social media have made it easier and faster for potential donors to understand the needs of communities far away and to give to organizations serving those communities. However, the success of these tools in unlocking philanthropic capital will only be as great as their ability to give donors confidence that their funds are really making a difference." KATHERINA M. ROSQUETA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR HIGH IMPACT PHILANTHROPY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA

20 Websites Newsletters Idealware JustGiving Katya’s Non-Profit Marketing Blog Network for Good SOME INSPIRATIONS…

21 INSIGHTS & ACTIVISTS FROM AFRICA ONE WORLD. ZERO BARRIERS. Fundraising Online 2012 Colin Habberton @relatomics or connect on LinkedIn 26 October 2012

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