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Sports Fitness Stretching. Session 12 Objectives The student will learn the importance of stretching before and after exercise. The student will learn.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Fitness Stretching. Session 12 Objectives The student will learn the importance of stretching before and after exercise. The student will learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Fitness Stretching

2 Session 12 Objectives The student will learn the importance of stretching before and after exercise. The student will learn the benefits of pre and post stretching and how stretching assists sport performance and recovery from exercise. The student will learn the difference between static stretching, ballistic stretching and dynamic stretching. SOLs: 11/12.1, 11/12.2, 11/12.3, 11/12.4, 11/12.5

3 Ballistic Stretching The ballistic stretch, also known as Active Stretch, uses motion and momentum to extend the muscle. Ballistic stretching involves some form of rapid motions into the specific stretch position. Examples: Joint Rotations : Stand and place your arms by your side Flex, extend, and rotate each of the following joints: Fingers,Wrist,Elbows, shoulders, Neck Trunk and shoulder blades, Hips, Knees, Ankles, Feet and toes Arm Swings Overhead arm swing Side arm swing Leg Swings Lunges

4 Static Stretching In static (or passive) stretch, the muscle is extended as far as it can comfortably go and is held in that position. This is probably the Safest Type of Stretching. Static stretching involves gradually easing into the stretch position. You may hold each stretch from 10 to 30 seconds.

5 Dynamic Stretching is a form of stretching beneficial in sports utilizing momentum from form, static-active stretching strength and the momentum from static-active stretching strength, in an effort to propel the muscle into an extended range of motion not exceeding one's static-passive stretching ability.stretching Anything beyond this range of motion becomes ballistic stretching. It is a type of stretching while moving.range of motionballistic stretching This form of stretching prepares the body for physical exertion and sports performance.

6 Dynamic Stretching In the past it was the practice to undertake static stretching before exercise. Dynamic stretching increases range of movement, blood and oxygen flow to soft tissues prior to exertion. Increasingly coaches and sports trainers are aware of the role in dynamic stretching in improving performance and reducing the risk of injury.

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