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President’s Day January 18, 2008. Enrollment Budgeted FTE of 921≈950 heads With new and returning right now ~930 FTE Budget shortfall, in FTE, should.

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Presentation on theme: "President’s Day January 18, 2008. Enrollment Budgeted FTE of 921≈950 heads With new and returning right now ~930 FTE Budget shortfall, in FTE, should."— Presentation transcript:

1 President’s Day January 18, 2008

2 Enrollment Budgeted FTE of 921≈950 heads With new and returning right now ~930 FTE Budget shortfall, in FTE, should be made up with gains in FA dollars Fall ’08 on track Challenge as always is female numbers

3 ’09 Budget Process underway Based on IR data we are setting FTE for fall ’08 at 911-last fall 907 This follows our conservative budgeting model of setting FTE below predicted This year we will control our enthusiasm if the numbers grow so we do not repeat mistake of last year

4 ’09 Budget Tuition increase of 4% Net new dollars from tuition & fees, r&b =$621K Fixed expense increases estimated at this time = $888K Opportunities –Retention –Unrestricted giving –Auxilliary enterprises

5 Capital Projects Residence Halls AWI/Paolozzi Center Saunders Complex, Phase 2

6 Looking Ahead MSA –Self-study Mailed to team end of month –Site Visit March 30-April 2 Program-in development “All Hands on Deck”

7 Looking Ahead Strategic Plan –No rest for the wicked –We must begin this spring –The ’02-’07 SLRP was critical in the budget process –We shouldn’t go long without one –Self-study will be guiding document Points out strengths and weaknesses success and failures Thus we can begin the process Begin with small planning group including all constituencies as we did last time But-we need to address a major issue that we did not do last time

8 Strategic Plan Mission Statement –Statement of Purpose –Time for review –Time for change? “brief enough to keep in mind” Vision Statement –Future the organization wants to create –Built from the Mission (purpose) –Underway, but…

9 Looking Ahead Challenges –Enrollment, enrollment, enrollment –We do not fit the “private college profile” PSC 70% male-PC 57% female Very few <1000 Pell Grants –PSC 36%-PC 17% Distance from home –<100 miles: PSC 25%-PC 59% “Most typical” PC student –White, female, ACT >20, family income >50K

10 Demographic Decline

11 New England Journal of Higher Education, V22:13, 2008 T.J. Handy, pres. VT Tech College “Differentiate or Die” “Colleges need a clear niche to thrive in the coming demographic crisis”

12 Transfers We must be transfer friendly Massachusetts Board of Higher Education to Recommend Measures to Improve Transfer Process –“My goal is that every credit at every state college and university is accepted at any other state college and university,” State Representative Christopher Donelan In Texas, lawmakers mandated a core set of classes that are guaranteed to transfer to all two- and four-year public colleges. New Jersey enacted a law calling for statewide agreements to promote a smooth transfer of academic credits. We must have a policy that allows every AS and AAS within discipline transfer applicant to come here with at least 60 credits and junior status

13 Other Initiatives New territories? New strategies? –Year-round academic operation New programs? –Fit our strengths Change programs? –Gender friendly?



16 Challenges cont. Last May you heard me say that there had been a shift in Albany from equal support of SUNY and privates to an emphasis on SUNY Spitzer’s new proposals do emphasize SUNY and at first look mainly research intensive SUNY Universities But

17 Challenges Bill working through committee now Testimony from hearing on Tuesday “A new Middle Income Tuition Relief grant so that effectively, SUNY and CUNY would become tuition-free institutions for students from families with annual earnings up to $150,000 (net taxable income).” What NY family would be against this? Could we survive?

18 Campus Climate

19 Need your help All Campus Town Hall Meeting January 28th 7PM Location TBD (probably Freer) Special Guest: J.W. Wiley, Director of the Center for Diversity, Pluralism and Inclusion at SUNY Plattsburgh and Founder of

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