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Information Search in Consumer Decisions

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1 Information Search in Consumer Decisions
Types of information sought? The appropriate evaluative criteria The importance of each criterion The existence of various alternatives The performance level or characteristic of each alternative solution on each evaluative criteria. Ex: Selection of a College/University Nature of information search Internal vs. external search

2 Internal: Categories of Decision Alternatives
All potential alternatives (brands, products) Awareness set known products and brands Unawareness set Alternatives the consumer does not know about Evoked set Alternatives given consideration Inert set Backup alternatives Inept set Avoided alternatives Specific alternative purchased Alternatives considered, but not purchased

3 External: Sources of Information
Personal sources Independent sources Marketing sources Experiential sources

4 Comparison of Information Sources
Effort Required Credibility Internal (memory) Personal Marketing Independent Experiential

5 Perceived Costs and Benefits of External Search
15-7 Benefits obtained Financial Psychological Physical Product Do the benefits of external search exceed costs? YES Continue search effort Costs of search Out-of-pocket expenses Psychological Time Activities missed Terminate search effort NO Copyright © 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Factors Affecting External Search
Influencing Factor Increasing the Influencing Factor Causes the Search to: I. Market characteristics A. Number of alternatives B. Price range C. Store concentration D. Information availability 1. Advertising 2. Point-of-purchase 3. Sales personnel 4. Packaging 5. Experienced consumers 6. Independent sources II. Product characteristics A. Price B. Differentiation C. Positive products

7 Factors Affecting External Search (cont.)
Influencing Factor Increasing the Influencing Factor Causes the Search to: III. Consumer characteristics A. Learning and experience B. Shopping orientation C. Social status D. Age and household life cycle E. Product involvement F. Perceived risk IV. Situation characteristics A. Time availability B. Purchase for self C. Pleasant surroundings D. Social surroundings E. Physical/mental energy

8 Marketing Strategies Based on Information Search Patterns
Target Market Decision-Making Pattern _____________________________________________ Nominal Limited Extended Decision Decision Decision Making Making Making (no search) (limited search) (extensive search) Brand in Maintenance Capture Preference evoked set strategy strategy strategy Brand not Disrupt Intercept Acceptance in evoked set strategy strategy strategy

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