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Elementary News Show By Cathy Mattocks – Media Specialist Shelton Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary News Show By Cathy Mattocks – Media Specialist Shelton Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary News Show By Cathy Mattocks – Media Specialist Shelton Elementary

2 Come up with a basic script… (Let the students be a part of the brainstorming) Good Morning… announce the news crew Pause for a moment of silence Pledge of allegiance What’s for lunch and breakfast Birthdays Special Announcements Closing (Other items could be the weather, sports report, perfect attendance, etc.)

3 Choose how you will deliver the script… You can use power point slides or You can use a free online teleprompter

4 Background Images I use a black, flat panel Smartboard. I tried the white ones, but the slides did not show up as well. You could use a whiteboard with a projector. Or you could have a stationary background.

5 The Set Up One computer in front of the students that are anchoring the news. One computer off to the side, if you are using slides for the background. One flip cam on a tripod in front of the teleprompter. My students sit on a table.

6 Tips that make your life easier… Make sure you give the entire staff a deadline for when you need announcements. (Mine is the day before the announcement needs to be made, by noon.) I use only fifth graders and they stay on the crew for two weeks.

7 Safari Montage You must have a Safari Montage server… You must have Creation Station – one time charge of $700. /creationstation.aspx /creationstation.aspx

8 Additional Uses for Creation Station Special programs Presentations by students Reader’s Theater performances Field Day Speeches Promotions for book fair, PTA fundraisers, tryouts for sports and clubs, and more.

9 For more information about Safari Montage… You can go to Booth # at this conference. Go to

10 Evaluation


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