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Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Andrea Zacchei / Davide Maino Planck ST #25 – UniMi, 02 - 04 November 2005 Inputs from: SISSA,

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Presentation on theme: "Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Andrea Zacchei / Davide Maino Planck ST #25 – UniMi, 02 - 04 November 2005 Inputs from: SISSA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Andrea Zacchei / Davide Maino Planck ST #25 – UniMi, 02 - 04 November 2005 Inputs from: SISSA, INAF-OATs, GADC, MPA, ESA-IDIS, UniTs, Uni-Mi, Tor Vergata, INAF-TeSRE, INAF-OAPd LFI DPC Quarterly Report (July - October 2005)

2 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Major Events – SGS1 1/2 Scos2k – Definition of synthetic parameters is ongoing; – Definition of OOL (warnings / alarms) is ongoing; TQL/TMH – Functionality test on the entire Level1 were performed during RAA QM Test – Stress test of the Entire Level 1 were performed during RAA QM Test – About 200 GB (60 GB Compressed) were acquired during RAA QM test and Stored – GTD_RAA: data management to archive and interface allowing remote access and download were setup (about 60 GB of on-line RAA QM data) – Deep analysis on the Science and HK TOI created with the data acquired during RAA test were performed to verify the correctness of the entire Level 1 Some problems were identify and solved or in way of solution – Review of the entire Level 1 structure Installation/test (with MPA support) of MPA-DMC at GADC to verify the TMH integration – Problems were reported to MPA and discussed at the IDIS meeting Implementation/Use of the LAMA (LFI Array Measurements Analyzer) tool for RAA test purposes analysis

3 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Major Events – SGS1 2/2 ICDs – DPC-DPC ICD_030 “Timelines Exchange” Held meeting between LFI-HFI at IAP after PGSSG 20. Issue 1.1 available and ready to be signed. – DPC-DPC ICD_031 “Maps and Power Spectra exchange” Held meeting between LFI-HFI at IAP after PGSSG 20. Issue 1.1 available and ready to be signed. – DPC-DPC ICD_032 “Calibration” Held meeting between LFI-HFI at IAP the 17 of September (Saturday - thanks) to define how HFI will reconstruct the LFI focal plane, which data should be exchanged and timelines. Draft 1.0 will be available middle of November. – DPC-DPC ICD_038 “Common Activities” Is in definition with SCS responsible (SCS will be a common activity) Draft 1.0 will be available end of November. MOC –DPC – Meeting (held in September) MOC- DPC to setup the dedicated line (hardware / software)

4 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Milestones achieved SGS1 RAA QM test allow the DPC to test the Entire level 1 specifically: – RTA test and definition of OOL and Calibration Curves – Test on TQL and mathematical algorithms, this test identify some minor problem solved with patches – Test on TM2TOI, this test identify some minor problem on the scientific and HK toi creation solved with patches. To correct a bug on the software (integer division) was necessary to re-run the Tmu/Tm2Toi on all RAA data (about 3 day of works) Some packet were lost during the transformation from packet to toi, the problem was identify and patch should be created before the middle of November ICD DPC-DPC agreement !!!! – Now just the fits structure will be discussed (before middle of December IDIS Exchange Format Design Document) Operation Model of Level 1 was reviewed (documentation upgrad is ongoing)

5 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Upcoming Milestones SGS1 MPA-DMC Installation ad test at DPC (end of November) Level 1 Test in Laben (during the RAA QM not all level 1 modality was tested because were not on the RAA QM test plan, so we ask to perform a more complete test) – DAE/REBA – EGSE + External well Know Signal; – Middle of November; – Test Plan document was released the 28/10/2005 RAA FM test in Laben

6 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Problems / Risk Areas SCOS2k activity harmonization is ongoing ILOG license (contact with S. Valera) is in solution (December) FTS (File Transfer System) – All ICDs were files should be exchanged are based on the FTS System. – The FTS ICDs was validated only for Solaris Platform (no Linux). – HFI and LFI received FTS Source code to test under Linux The compilation failed at the both DPCs (after two days works changing compilation parameters and code). The FTS is critical so we will accept this code ONLY after it will be validated for Linux. (Action at PGSSG was already raised)

7 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Management Resources GADC Support to the Level 1 pipeline was assured, during the review, until the end of the mission; Marco Frailis (PhD Computer Scientist) will joint to DPC as Level 1 Manager (start the first of November); F. Pasian has taken the lead of the DPC PA/QA activity.

8 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Planck Science Team Meeting #25 2-4 November 2005 Davide Maino Inputs from: SISSA, INAF-OAT, Uni-Mi, Tor Vergata, INAF-TeSRE, INAF-OAPd LFI SGS2 Quarterly Report

9 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Scientific Processing Level S – Interface with LLIO and MPA-DMC almost completed: done for the C++ modules, in progress for the F90 (simmission,cmbfast) modules Level 1 (+ ½) – Module for r factor calculation under development (from RaNA) at OAT – r factor stability, depending from the period chosen to compute, is under study (a report was produced based on RAA Test). – Start implementing (re-writing from RaNA/LAMA) modules for instrument properties (knee-frequency, slope, wn RMS) – Up-dating Instrument Model according to Calibration Matrix from ground tests Level 2 – Phase-bin module integrated into pipeline (to cope with current H/W) – Code optimization on-going (migrating to C++ when possible, unified I/O) – Start discussion with US-LFI team and HFI DPC for common map-making algorithm and “pointing library”

10 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Scientific Processing Level 3 – Activity on-going on residual systematic effects impact on component separation Level 4 – Nothing to report Infrastructure – MPA DMC is expected to be integrated by the end of the year at DPC – Test on DMC using RAA test are in program (try to ingest one year of data)

11 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Upcoming Pipeline Integration and Status – On-going tests on DM pipeline using phase-binned rings and Polar destriping. 4 LFI 70 GHz detectors with instrumental noise as from ground tests and with symmetric and elliptical gaussian beams as well as realistic beam (from GRASP). – Bugs found in Level S (M.Sandri, M.Ashdown, M.Reinecke) when generating “real” beams from GRASP output – Simulations done; Map-making completed; Analysis on-going – OM/0 is almost on track and we expect major improvements on: Instrument characterization (beam + noise reconstruction) Trend-analysis (stability, Xcorrelation with H/K data)

12 Planck Science Team – UniMi-Milano – 02 – 04 November 2005 Upcoming Pipeline Tests preliminary results

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