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1 PGFSOA - Purpose of the Endeavor  Many initiatives in Federal agencies to explore & adopt SOA  Inconsistent approaches & implementations  AIC Services.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PGFSOA - Purpose of the Endeavor  Many initiatives in Federal agencies to explore & adopt SOA  Inconsistent approaches & implementations  AIC Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PGFSOA - Purpose of the Endeavor  Many initiatives in Federal agencies to explore & adopt SOA  Inconsistent approaches & implementations  AIC Services & Governance Subcommittees were targeting multiple documents  Convergence of approaches & SOA vocabulary  Codify rationale, target, keys to implementation  Help illustrate roadmap alternatives based on current state, and sequential, practical steps that minimize risk and have tangible benefit

2 2 PGFSOA - Objectives Provide sound, practical guidance in support of agencies’ efforts to adopt SOA into their business, IT, and EA practices.  Collaborative effort by knowledgeable individuals within government and industry.  Initial review with a select focus group to refine document.  Broad-based distribution for open review and comment period.  Final release by CIO Council by end of 2007.

3 3 Governance Structure Coordinator, Assistant, and Expert Advisors AIC Subcommittee Sponsors, IAC Editorial Board Content & Revisions Coordination (Execution) Reorganized into four Authoring Teams aligned with document structure Darren Ash Roy Mabry Kshemendra Paul John Sullivan George Thomas Executive Steering Committee * Co-Lead Candidates – have not yet accepted the role Unifying Examples preferably within the US Federal Government Rationale for SOA (Kshemendra Paul, Bob Haycock) Co-Leads Mel Greer, Ira Sachs SOA Target Architecture (vision) (George Thomas, Dave Mayo) Co-Leads Gary Berg-Cross*, Craig Miller* Keys to Implementation (Roy Mabry, Dan Ellis) Co-Leads Chris Gunderson, TBD Roadmap to SOA (TBD, Bob Haycock) Co-Leads Tom Lucas, Raphael Malveaux

4 4 Team / Section Status Team/ Section StatusActions Rationale for SOA (~5 authoring) Initial draft with figures is developed. This draft does not have supporting examples. Team will respond to review feedback and revise draft accordingly Examples Currently seeking examples of SOA successes and failures to support the documents key messages. Identifying Leader Target Architecture (vision) (~8 authoring) Core team has established a consensus vision. They are now making assignments to develop the areas Targeting a section draft ready for compilation by August 17. Keys to Implementation (~10 authoring) 10 Individual keys have been identified, assigned, and developed. Each has been drafted. Work is underway to integrate the individual essays into a cohesive section. Targeting a section draft ready for compilation by August 8. Roadmap to SOA (~8 authoring) Roadmap team has been reengaged and is being augmented by members of the Rationale team. Core team meetings will be held weekly. Teams are “performing” project is “norming”

5 5 Currently Over 50 Volunteers  Department of Defense*  Department of Justice  Department of Transportation  General Services Administration  Internal Revenue Service  Library of Congress  US Patent and Trademark Office  EPA  Australian Government Information Management Office  NASCIO  Global Justice  National Center for State Courts * Multiple representatives  Argosy Omnimedia  ASG  BAH  CGI Federal  Dovèl Technologies  EntArch  Everware-CBDI  Fujitsu  Harris  HP  IBM  INNOVIM  Lockheed Martin  MITRE  Mercury  Pearson-Blueprint  PPC  SAIC  SRA International  Thomas & Herbert  Telelogic  TowerStrides  Webmethods

6 6 PGFSOA - Schedule Q2 Final Calendar Year 2007 Q3Q4 MayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecApr Final Outline Draft of Target Arch Section Key Messages for Each Section Team Review Open Comment Review & Update Initial Draft Draft Rationale Section Draft Keys for Implementation Draft Roadmap Section Overlaying Examples

7 7 Core Ideas  Written for Chief Architects:  To inform conversations with CIOs and Program Execs  To influence architectural and investment planning  Reference established external bodies of knowledge  Focus on what is unique about the (Federal) government  Use Federal and private sector examples to anchor

8 8 PGFSOA High Level Outline  Exec Summary and Introduction  Articulate the rationale  Put forward a concrete target  Service Oriented Infrastructure  Service Oriented Architecture  Service Oriented Enterprise  Keys for Implementation – limiting factors to be addressed  Provide a roadmap with concrete actions across SOI, SOA, and SOE linked to business benefit with explicit scope

9 9 Still Open to New Participants  Others who wish to participate:  Send email to and and copy  Indicate areas of interest & expertise – which authoring team(s) or aspects of the outline can you support?

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