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15 & 17 October 2008 Muscle Physiology –Properties of individual twitching myofibers –Fiber types –Motor units and whole muscle composition –Fatigue –Recruitment.

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Presentation on theme: "15 & 17 October 2008 Muscle Physiology –Properties of individual twitching myofibers –Fiber types –Motor units and whole muscle composition –Fatigue –Recruitment."— Presentation transcript:

1 15 & 17 October 2008 Muscle Physiology –Properties of individual twitching myofibers –Fiber types –Motor units and whole muscle composition –Fatigue –Recruitment –Effects of training (King et al., 1999) –Creatine supplementation –Smooth muscle Innervation Single unit vs multi unit Lab next week: Frog Muscle Physiology Test 2 Monday: Check email and website over the weekend for more information.

2 Isotonic = “same tension” muscle shortens as tension exceeds load

3 Twitch Duration depends on cytosolic Ca++ Contraction Time Isotonic contraction

4 Classes of Myofibers based on Twitch Duration Fast twitch = rapid hydrolysis of ATP by Myosin means crossbridges cycle faster Slow twitch = slower hydrolysis, isozyme catalyzes the reaction slower

5 Classes of Myofibers based on Enzyme Profile Oxidative: many mitochondria, oxidative phosphorylation, many adjacent capillaries, with myoglobin, (red), fatigue resistant Glycolytic: few mitochondria, many glycolytic enzymes, large store of glycogen, few capillaries, little myoglobin (white), fatigue quickly

6 Fig. 09.24b

7 Fig. 09.03


9 Fast and Slow refer to Myosin-ATPase activity…determines rate of contraction Type I Type IIA Type IIB

10 Isometric = “same length” …muscle contracts …develops tension but …does not shorten. Load > tension Twitch Duration

11 Will test in frog muscles during lab

12 Fig. 09.18 Be able to describe examples of isometric, isotonic, and lengthening contractions

13 Summation Cytosolic Ca++

14 Produce this during lab with frog muscle

15 Fig. 09.21 True for Skeletal & Cardiac Myofibers, but NOT for smooth myofibers Length-tension “curve” Normal range

16 Factors determining Single Myofiber Tension Action Potential Frequency (summation) Sarcomere length (length-tension curve) Fiber diameter (# of thick and thin myofilaments; # of cross bridges) State of fatigue But muscles consists of many myofibers, not all of which contract at the same time!

17 Fig. 09.13a Motor unit = motorneuron (mn) + all the myofibers it innervates. All myofibers of a motor unit are the same type: Type I, Type IIA or Type IIB

18 Fig. 09.13b

19 Smallest motor units consist of ~13 myofibers per mn in extraocular muscles of the eye –small motoneurons, easily depolarized, finely controlled movement Large motor units may have more than 1000 myofibers per mn, typical of gastrocnemius muscle –large motoneurons, more difficult to depolarize, recruited later Size principle: small mn’s most easily achieve threshold Recruitment according to size principle Motor Units

20 Fig. 09.26

21 Factors determining Whole Muscle Tension # myofibers per motor unit # of active motor units (recruitment)


23 Fuel for Skeletal Myofibers Moderate exercise: Creatine phosphate, then oxidative phosphorylation (OP) from glycogen, then OP from blood glucose, then blood fatty acids. If intense; glycolysis.

24 A 1998 Review on the Use of Creatine as a Nutritional Supplement

25 Creatine Reserve

26 Causes of fatigue High intensity, short duration exercise –Conduction failure in t-tubules –Lactic acid accumulation –Inhibition of cross bridge cycles by ADP Low intensity, long duration exercise –As above, and –Depletion of muscle glycogen –Low plasma glucose (hypoglycemia) –Dehydration Central command fatigue: “willpower”




30 Response to training Resistance training Type II change enzyme profiles more glycolytic enzymes Type II add more actin and myosin Type II increase CS area (hypertrophy) Endurance training –Type I increases vascularity –Type I get more mitochondria –Type I get slightly smaller –Type IIB convert to Type IIA

31 Fast and Slow refer to Myosin-ATPase activity…determines rate of contraction Type I Type IIA Type IIB Check King et al., 1999 to see if their results are as expected!

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