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Scenario 6.3 Thyroid Storm.

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1 Scenario 6.3 Thyroid Storm

2 Chest X-ray


4 CBC WBC 9.2 4000-12 000/mm3 HGB 11.1 11-15 g/dL HCT 34 30-43% PLT 398

5 BMP Glucose 145 65-100 mg/dL BUN 20 5-20 mg/dL Sodium 137
meq/L Potassium 3.3 meq/L Chloride 101 meq/L CO2 22 22-32 meq/L Creatinine 1.4 mg/dL

6 Cardiac Enzymes Creatine kinase 100 26-141 IU/L CK-MB 2.9
ng/ml Troponin I <0.01 Ref. range: Normal <0.06 ng/mL Borderline Critical >0.78 A value of >0.78 is suggestive of acute MI

7 BNP Brain Natri. PE 15226 pg/mL

8 Thyroid Panel TSH 0.3 0.5-5.0 mIU/L T3 145 100-200 ng/dL T4 54

9 Arterial Blood Gas Arterial blood pH 7.46 7.35-7.45 Arterial PO2 210
60-70 mmHg Arterial CO2 28 35-45 mmHg Arterial HCO3 22 22-26 mmol/L Arterial % sat. 99% 96-100% Lactate 1.5 <2.0 mmol/dL

10 Urinalysis Clarity clear Color colorless Glucose negative
negative mg/dL Bilirubin Ketones Sp. grav. 1.015 Blood pH 6.5 Protein Urobilinogen 0.1 0.2 EU/dL Nitrites Leukocytes Urinanalysis

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